Chapter Twelve

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I just updated not too long ago, and now I have to update again.

I need to make my goals bigger. AHH.

Well, this one might be interesting, I don't know. Just depends on you.

Enjoy this chapter!  

1100K reads, for 13.

I'm making this hard on you, aren't I?c:


Ashley's POV:

"Can I tell you something?" He said smoothly and in the sexiest tone ever. Why does he have to do this to me?

"Sure, Harry." He cleared his throat and waited a couple seconds. Probably thinking on how to say it.

"I don't really know how to say this, but I'm sorry for hurting you in whatever way I did and I realized I need you. I didn't want you going for Zayn or even Niall. Nor, do I ever want you to. I want you to stay with me, forever." I was speechless at what he was saying. It was sweet, but  at the same time, what if he's lying just to get into my head?

"Harry, I don't know if I should believe you. I really don't. So, until I know the truth, I'm not saying anything. Got that?" I tried to stay strong as best as I could.

"Believe me. Please. I'm telling you the truth. I'll never use you. Just go ask any of the boys. They'll tell you the truth." He dropped my hand and walked out. Next thing I know, I hear a door slam. Probably Harry.

I slammed the bathroom door shut and sat on the toilet. Weird right? But, I just brought my knees to  my chest and cried.

"Ashley? You alright?" A smooth Irish accent spoke. 

"Let me in. Please." What's with the boys saying please all the damn time? I wiped away my tears and took a look in the mirror. There is no way I can hide it.

"What do you want?" I opened the door, not giving any eye contact with the blonde boy.

"What happened?" He oulled me into a hug and I just sobbed. It felt like hours crying, but it was only a few minutes. When I slowed down, I cleared my throat.

"Does Harry love me?" I spoke, rushing it all out.

"Uh.Uh. I don't know." He was hiding something.

"Niall, he told me something, and said to ask one of you guys to see if he was telling the truth." I pulled away from the hug and stood my ground.

"What did he say?"  It happened so fast, I can barely remember.

"I don't remember, something about he wanted me to stay with him forever and he didn't want me going after you or Zayn because he needed me.Somewhere along those lines." I said.

"Well, that does sound like what he told me.Wait, what was your question?"

"Does Harry love me?" I need to find out the truth. I just can't be confused my whole life.

"I don't know if I'm supposed to answer this or not. But, what he said, was true." My heart started racing. So, Harry did mean it? I can't believe it. My life my actually come together.

"Niall, please tell me." I gave him the puppy dog face, and soon he'll give in. Just a few more seconds.

"Hey, lunch is ready you two." Liam spoke. I glanced at the clock, not realizing it's already the next day.

"I will get it out of you!" I playfully punched him and he acted like it hurt, but I think it did.

"No. You'll have to find that out yourself." He smirked and skipped out of the bedroom.

"Stupid leprechauns!" I mumbled. 

I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.There wasn't any food left. I decided just to make a sandwich for myself. As I was gathering the ingrediants, I felt someone's gaze on me. I tried to shake it off, but it was powerful.I felt the gaze getting stronger. Soon, I felt arms snake around my waist. I looked up and saw it was the green orbs again.

"The fuck, Harry? You scared the shit out of me." I slapped his hand for punishment. When he winced, I noticed I hit his bad hand.

"Oh my god, Harry. I'm so sorry. I forgot. Are you okay?" Why did I freak out like that? That wasn't like me.

"It's okay, Ashley." He let out a chuckle. " I'm alright. Don't worry." I wanted to kiss him, so bad. But, I couldn't. It wasn't right. 

He unwrapped his arms from my waist and leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed. I continued to make my sandwich, but he was distracting me. All I could feel is his gaze on me.

"Harry. Could you stop staring at me?Thanks." I snapped. It was annoying me.

"I can't." How can he not stop staring at me? It was easy.

"Whatever." I let out a sigh and grabbed my sandwich and headed to the couch. I heard Harry right behind me. Following my every move. Watching my every move. It was kind of creepy.

I plopped down on the couch and switched the tele on. There wasn't absolutely nothing on and I decided on a movie.

"Here. This one." He snatched the remote out of my hand and picked a movie. It turns out, it was a scary movie.

"Harry! I don't like scary movies! Change it!" He just gave me a smirk.

"Just watch the movie and stop acting like a 5 year old." I crossed my arms and 'pouted'.


There was a really scary part and I jumped and grabbed the pillow next to me. Well, I thought it was a pillow. But, it felt weird. I took a peek and it turns out, it was Harry. I felt his chest vibrate as the room filled with an echo.

"Whoa! Get it in you two!" Louis yelled while he went to the kitchen.

"Shut the fuck up, Lou."Harry scolded. Well, jeez Harry. He's joking around.

"Louis! We aren't even going out! Gosh." I rolled my eyes and continued to give him a death glare.

I saw when Harry's face dropped when I said that. Yeah, I wish we were too, but what if he does something wrong? Everyone makes mistakes, but with his anger issues, it's scary. He could hurt me and not realize it.

"Just go out, then. You're confusing all of us." Heat rose to my cheeks. Just Louis talking about Harry and I, made me want to dance around.

"Fuck off, Lou." Why is Harry being so rude?

"Oh Hazzabear, I love you." Harry didn't answer and just stood up off the couch and went to his room. Well, that's strange.

"What's his problem?" Louis said, annoyed.

"I don't know. I really don't know." I was still in shock at his reaction towards Louis.

What was his problem? We were perfectly fine before.


This is more like a filler, but whatever.

Anyway, thank you for almost getting me to 1K reads. I'm gonna cry.I never would think that this book would even get that many. 

I love all of you.<3


 (1100K reads, for 13.)

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