Engagement 💍

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A/N : Here's the Final Chapter of this Fiction. Thank you to all my readers💜💜 Your Votes & Comments keep me motivated. The sequel of "One Billion Dollar" comes to an end with this Chapter. Do let me know your thoughts on it in the Comment Section. Also, I might write some short side stories of this series later.

Borahae 💜💜

[At the Moon Mansion]

It was 9:30 pm at night and the Woogas were at the Moon Mansion, chatting with Seokjin and Bogum over drink, as they all sat in the living hall together.

"Seokjinah, I am really happy for you two. Taehyung is like a family to us. So, we care about his happiness and well-being a lot. I just wanted to ask you if your parents know about him. The two of you that is. That you are getting engaged," asked Seojoon.

"They know. I told them about him when I had cancelled my engagement with Farina two years ago. They didn't contact me since then. They clearly didn't approve. But I don't really care about their approval. I love Tae. Tae loves me. I am going to marry him anyway," replied Seokjin.

"You surely don't need approval, but you two deserve to get their blessings. Why don't you try visiting them, taking Tae with you to invite them?" Seojoon suggested.

"Hyung, the thing is that I don't want Tae to get hurt by their words. I don't want his mood to be spoiled. He is looking forward to our engagement day. I am afraid, my dad would surely end up hurting him if I take him to them," Seokjin gave his explanation.

"Seokjinah! Trust me in this. It's Tae's smile. His Billion Dollar Smile that can melt even the hardest rock. Take him with you, your parents won't be able to turn him down," Seojoon was confident.

"He is right, Seokjin! There's no harm in trying," Bogum too tried to convince him.

[Next morning at Suga & Spice]

"Eeeeeehhh? I am going to meet Seokjin's parents today? Jiminah!!! What would I do? What should I wear? What should I talk about? How should I act around them???" Taehyung was hyperventilating.

"Don't worry, Taehyungah! They are definitely going to love you. Also, you don't worry about the remaining shopping, I'll take care of it," Jimin assured him, while petting Yeontan.

"Yes, you go and get ready. Seokjin Ssii is on his way to pick you up," said Yoongi.

Taehyung made sure to wear his best set of clothes. Seokjin picked him up and they drove to his parents' home. He couldn't help but chuckle a little as his Voo was getting nervous.

They reached the Kim Mansion and were greeted by a couple of guards outside. They walked in slowly. Seokjin noticed that his Voo was even more nervous now, and so, he held his hand to make him feel confident about his support.

"Seokjinah?" Seokjin's mother, who was sitting beside her husband was surprised to see their son after a long time. She came forward and cupped his cheeks. Seokjin smiled at her fondly. She soon shifted her glance to Tae who was standing behind Seokjin, almost hiding like a scared innocent baby bear.

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