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Seokjin and Taehyung reached Seoul & they were received by Hoseok & Yoongi, who had come to the Incheon Airport for them. Jimin and Jungkook too had come back from Japan a few hours ago. "Yoongi Hyung! I'll be staying at your apartment tonight," Taetae smiled cheekily, glancing at Seokjin, who was pouting unamusedly. "Ah! Alright...come with me then. Jiminah will be happy," replied Yoongi. "Yoongi.....I'll miss you....," Hobi sobbed and waved at Yoongi as he had to return to the Moon Mansion with Seokjin.
[At the Moon Mansion]

Jungkook and Hoseok sat together with Seokjin in the latter's room and had their dinner there, while watching a football match. "So, let's go on a trip together next time. All of us. I'll plan the whole thing out. Please!" Jungkook sounded excited. "Hahah! Sure, we will," Seokjin chuckled while sipping on his wine.

"Right now, let's focus on Jin Hyung and Taehyungah's engagement. It is in three days. We have a lot of preparations left to do for that. Soobin, Yeonjun & their friends have volunteered to help," Hoseok added.

"That's fine but,.... I don't know what to do with my Voo's moodswings... He didn't let me know beforehand that he would be staying at Yoongi's place tonight," Seokjin was getting lovesick already.

Just then, Seokjin's phone rang up as he got a call from Jimin. "Jimin Ssii????....Hello! Jimin Ssii! What happened? Is Tae still up? -" Seokjin's words were cut by an anxious-sounding Jimin. "Seokjin Ssii! Tae-...he- he suddenly felt dizzy. He fainted and almost fell on the floor but I managed to catch him in time-," Jimin couldn't continue and Seokjin got worried and cut his words. "What??? Is he okay?? Wait! I'm coming!" Seokjin at once stood up and got ready to leave in the night, confusing and worrying Jungkook and Hoseok, who were exchanging glances.

"No no no! Don't worry. He is totally fine now. The doctor came and checked up on him. There's a good news instead. Taehyungah- he- he is Pregnant. Taehyungah is pregnant. Congratulations Seokjin Ssii!" Seokjin's eyes almost bulged out from the sockets upon hearing Jimin's words.
"Wh-wha-wwhattt? P-pregnant??? H-how is that even possible???? Tae is pregnant????" Seokjin babbled & fumbled and Jungkook & Hoseok froze upon hearing the word "pregnant".

"Yes, with Your Pup! Congratulations!" Jimin cried tears of joy.

"P-pppupp???" Seokjin stattered.

Yoongi snatched the phone from Jimin's hand and spoke "No, don't take these two seriously. Jiminah and Taehyungah are obsessing over some Omegaverse yaoi shits. So, they are making things up and roleplaying," Yoongi informed, to which Jimin pouted and "hmphed".

"Oh! I see...," Seokjin sweatdropped and scratched his head as he felt silly.
[Next Morning]

Seokjin came down the stairs and stood in front of Hoseok and Jungkook who were already standing there in the living hall, waiting for him. "Jin Hyung! What about Taehyung? Will he be coming to the office today?" Hoseok asked in a confused tone.

"I'll pick him up on my way," replied Seokjin.

Hoseok nodded and left with Jungkook in one car.
Seokjin was sitting quietly in his car, while on his way to the Moon Enterprises. He decided to call up his Voo to ask him if he should pick him up. "Voo! Babe! Are you coming to the office today? I am on my way. Should I pick you up?" Seokjin asked him in a warm flirty tone. "Eeeeehhh? Nope! Oho! You are so dumb. Don't you know that I am Pregnant? With your Pup? I am thankful that Jiminah and Yoongi Hyung are taking good care of me and our Pup. I'll be staying here till we get engaged. Also, I won't be coming to office till then," replied Taetae.

Seokjin zoned out for a moment, listening to his Voo's words. He sweatdropped yet again.
[At the Moon Enterprises]

Seokjin's meeting with the Woogas got over. Hoseok, Jungkook, Soobin and Yeonjun assisted him in it. Their collaboration project was already seeing huge success and so, they planned to celebrate together after Seokjin & Taehyung's engagement. "Tae didn't come to the office today? Must have been tired after the trip I guess?" Seojoon asked Seokjin.

"Ah! He is resting as well as preparing for our engagement. Also, he thinks that he is pregnant & all," Seokjin just said that without even thinking twice. Soobin looked at Yeonjun in confusion whereas Yeonjun already knew about the whole drama very well so, he just shrugged his shoulders. Jungkook glanced at Hoseok, as the latter was giggling non stop, upon listening to his Jin Hyung's words.

"W-what??? I knew it!!!! The demons only aim at increasing their population by impregnating the innocent Virgin Little Fairies! My Heart Cries upon seeing the violence and pain that the sweet little fairies have to endure...*sobs* my little Taetae...*sobs*," Peakboy cried, while Wooshik was busy mending to Hyungsik, who had already fainted upon hearing that.

Just then, Seokjin got another call from Jimin. He picked it up.

"Congratulations Seokjin Ssii! Taehyungah has given birth to a baby Pup!" Jimin sounded excited.

"W-w-whattt? H-how? I mean- okay ..b-but how come it is even possible? Tae has been pregnant for not even a day. So, how come the Pup or whatever is born in just a few hours??" Seokjin asked the obvious.

"Oh My God! Taehyungah & the Pup will be really hurt if I tell them that you reacted in this way, Seokjin Ssii! You should rather be extremely happy and super excited to see the Pup," Jimin lectured Seokjin.

Seojoon nodded to Seokjin (who was sweatdropping heavily) and adviced him to play along with Vmin. "Just do it for Tae's happiness. There's no harm in that," Seojoon whispered to Seokjin lightly.

"Ah! Alright, Jimin Ssii! We are on our way to Yoongi's apartment. To meet Tae, the Pup, and you two," replied Seokjin.
[At Yoongi's Apartment]

Soon Seokjin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Soobin & Yeonjun reached Yoongi's apartment. Seokjin slowly advanced towards the bed where Tae was lying (acting like someone who has just given birth to a baby) and beside his bed was kept a cradle in which a pup was sleeping, surrounded by some equally cute toys.

Hoseok, Soobin and Jungkook began cooing at that cute little thing. Seokjin sat beside his happy-looking Voo on the bed.

"That's our Pup. Yeontan. His name is Yeontan. Kim Yeontan. Or Tannie in short," Taetae spoke seriously, while looking at Seokjin with his big eyes.

"You know, these two - Jiminah & Taehyungah went out to look for an ideal pup and finally found one and then they bought all these new-born baby stuffs for him," informed Yoongi, which earned him pouts from both Taetae & Jimin.

Taehyung kept looking at Seokjin with his big expecting eyes, gesturing him to pet and show some love to their Pup.

Jimin took up Yeontan from the cradle very carefully and gave him to Seokjin.

For a whole minute, Seokjin and Yeontan kept staring at each other. 'He Is cute' Seokjin couldn't help but smile fondly, and began petting the cute little puppy.

".......wait! He just pooped on my shirt!" Seokjin was in trouble.


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