Intro from Sterling...

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So like, hey bitches, it's me... STERLING!  O...M...G.  

I'm an OC so ya know, haters gonna hate.  My mom is Rouge and my dad is Knuckles... and I am sure in the great land of OC people, I have like, hundreds of siblings that I will never meet because Knuxouge is a pretty common ship.  What makes me an individual, is that I am Rosey's Mary-Sue.  So is Reina Penelope (from that super long Darkwing fan fic) and she and I are arguably the same person only with a different sim-skin, but that's beside the point.  Sterling, please!  We are NOT the same.

Yeah, so my gender, um... most people think at first that I am girl... but I am a guy.  I'm just a really stellar drag queen.  I have caused several one-off characters in Hedgehog Village to question their sexuality which I pride myself for!  See what I did there?  Also, I am a member of the New Jackal Squad, far down the future in The Diamond Series.  And I'm dating the boss' son too!  Perks for me!  

No but really, I can hold my own.  My parents taught me a lot.  We live on Seaside Island, by the way.  Did I mention my dad is the President?  No, like the ACTUAL PRESIDENT.  What does YOUR DAD do?  No, I'm like, legit asking.  I like father figures.  I'm very clingy with Zero.  I don't know what my problem is, but regardless of knowing where to start with all my ISSUES... my theory is that there is no dilemma that can't solved by dancing provocatively to a Britney Spears song... or is it Harley Spears?  Also, I have a clothing brand called, Juicy (TOTALLY ORIGINAL) and it's short shorts for your boooooooty!  Not be confused with short shorts for your head, I never understood that trend... okay, byyyeeee!!!! 


Sterling! xoxoxoxox

Yeah.  That's my OC... there's a fair amount of him in this book, as well as other Sonic stuff,  random art, and creative ideas/thoughts.  Enjoy!

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