16. Again and Again

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You & I-One Direction

Pink Matter-Frank Ocean


Again with the darkness, its so unpleasnt only because I dont know what's going on. Its like laying in a sound proof room with all the lights off.


"Is she going to be okay?" I ask frantically. I leave five minutes and she collapses. If only if been there when it happened.

"Harry, honey, she's going to be okay. She just reacting to the treatment." He mother says tiredly. She looks like she could use a weeks worth of sleep.

"Maybe you should go home Harry, get some rest." He father come from behind me and pats my shoulder.

"Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Morgan but I'd like to stay if that's okay." I swallow back my words and try not to cry.

"Of course Harry, you can stay as long as you'd like." Her mom hugs me and I hug her back. We continue on into the room where Kassie is.

"Why is she wearing a cast around her wrist?" I ask, panic arising again. The hard piece of white cast covering from her knuckles to her wrist.

"During the episode she was...lashing around and fractured her wrist." I cover my mouth and turn around, my poor Kassie. I recover my composure and turn back to them.

"We'll leave you with her if you'd like." He dad suggests.

"Whatever you guys want." I smile reassuringly to them. They nod and silently leave.

I walk to her bed and grab her hand. Her chest moves in times movements, up and down, up and down, up and down.

"My Kassie, I'm sorry." I mumble and kiss her cheek, her eyelids and her nose.

The machinary that monitors her heart beeps and fills my ears. Her hand twitches and my eyes frantically search her face. No movement.

"Kas, please be okay." I whisper and gently squeeze her hand.


"Her vitals are fine and she's very stable. She had a seizure that we're unsure why it happened. Until she wakes up we can't discharge her of course." The doctor says with a smile.

"Well if she's fine why isn't she waking up?" Kassie's mother asks.

"We think its something to do with her brain. We're having a neurologist consult in about twenty minutes I promise when we get more information we will let you know." The doctor says with such a reassuring smile.

We nod along as the doctor leaves and watch Kassie. She looks to peaceful sleeping. Not stressed like the last few days.

A woman enters her room with a lab coat and lots of folders.

"Hello, I'm Dr. King. I'm the neurologist here and this is Kassie correct?" Kassie's parents nod while I focus on holding her hand.

"So Kassie's brain functions are normal and nothing seems to have been damaged while siezing."

"So?" O ask impatiently.

"I hate to say this, but I don't know why she's isn't waking up. It could be psychological or something physical our tests aren't picking up. We can do an even more invasive test if you'd like but that requires more time and maybe damage to her brain if it is healthy." She responds with concern.

"Can we wait a while before we do that?" Her mother asks worried.

"Of course. If you have anymore questions I can answer I'm here if not, I'll be on my way." She smiles and shakes their hands. Her parents take the doctor outside to speak privately.

"Kas, they say it might be all in your head."I whisper, "I always knew you were crazy." I chuckle and kiss her cheek. Then the tears begin to fall, one on her cheek and another on the pillow.

"You can't leave me Kas, you can't. Come back to us babe. Come back to me." I whisper into oblivion.


Wake up you idiot, I beg myself. I finally heard something and it had to be Harry begging me to wake up. I can't die now. I need to at least say goodbye.



I beg until all the noise is gonna and only my voice is there. Then I see it. The florescent lights of a hospital room. A drop slides down my cheek. Small whines from beside me. A mop of brown hair shaking slightly and tightly squeezed eyes.

"Harry." I rasp. "Harry" I whisper again. He looks up with wide eyes. My hand coming up to caress his cheek.

"I'm not leaving. I promise." I kiss his cheek weakly. He pulls me into a hug as much as he can without messing the wires up.

"Kas, I didn't know if you were gonna make it." He presses his face to my neck and inhales.

"I'm so sorry." I begin to cry too.

"No, don't cry its not your fault." He sits up and catches my gaze," I need you to know something, our time is-" he stops and catches his composure. "Our time is limited and I need you to know that I love you."

"Kassie, I've known you for four months but its feels like years, even decades. I've fallen in love with you. I need you to know that." He breathes heavily, like he's been holding it. He catches his breath as more tears run onto my cheeks.

"You don't have to say anything. I'm here for you until the end, whether thats five days from now or fifty years from now." He continues, his eyes full of passion he seems to run on.

"Harry, you're one of the best things that's ever happened to me." I sob into his shirt. He pulls me closer as we hug and cry. To the outside world we looked in distress but inside our tiny bubble we were happy as can be. Our feeling were out in the open and it was forever or nothing.


(How To Save A Life by Greys Anatomy cast bc I'm obsessed and it kind if relates)

I'm so sorry. If you're still reading this its been a month or two and I'm so so sorry. I love this story I really do but school is KICKING MY ASS. I was so focused in that and it sucks because I love writing this story so much.

Thank you for reading and if you disregarded that little "rant"? Above that's fine. So thank you for reading and comment please please I love comments they make my heart so happy (so fricking cheesy)

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