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Bad Blood-Bastille

I Don't Love You-My Chemical Romance

The Funeral-Band Of Horses

In my 17 years of living I've been to a total of two funerals. Once for an aunt that I hadn't known, but she seemed very dear to my dad. The second for my great grandmother on my mothers side. I did know her, she used to take all her grandkids to do fun things. She was great and it was such a good time getting to know her, at that time I was only 13. when she passed away it actually hurt, I felt like I was going to see her that weekend and we would get ice cream or spend the day at the park.

At Harry's funeral it was much worse. Being in love with the boy who died is much different than loving the woman who died. There was a void in my chest and mind. Intellectually I fell apart as well as physically. How I got myself in the simple black dress is a mystery to me.

The funeral date was 3 days after the accident and the wounds were still fresh for everyone. The casket was closed when we got into the funeral home. I was at loss when I learned this, I was glad that I didn't have to see him but I was also upset that I'd never get to see him again.

It was a sea of black suits and dresses. Harry's mom was greeting those who came in with a sad smile. Gemma was staring through everyone like no one else was there. Everyone seemed to just be floating through this, what else could we do?

When the viewing was over only a few stayed to follow the hearse to the burial grounds. We drove in a sad line from the home to the grave yard. It was a well kept, sleek and green place. We passed dozens of headstones until we came to a row of empty plots. The others where untouched and the last was dug out.

"Friends and family." The pastor said. "Harry, was a wonderful young man. He didn't deserve this but I do know he is in a better place." He stood on a podium by the casket. He went on about him until it was time for Gemma to speak.

"He was such a good kid."She smiles with a distant look in her eye.
"He was the best little brother I could have had and though he's in a better place I wish he were here. I'd always admired him because he could love something with all his might," She paused and started to cry.

"Even if it was working against him. He just had much passion and I'll never forget that about him." She says with vacant eyes and a small smile.

"Thank you Gemma, next we have Harry's dear friend, Kassie." He announces. I grasp the paper in my hand tightly and move towards the podium where he stands. When I'm there I stare into the crowd of about twenty. I breath out slowly and begin.

"I met Harry at school, and though I didn't want to talk to him he was a persistent boy as most of you know." I slightly smile at the thought. "I had only known him for four months but in those months he became the most important person. He has a way of breaking down walls and then making you feel like you're wrapped in a tight security blanket." I fell the words hit and the thought of Harry makes my vision blurry.

"I loved him and he did his best to take care of those he loved. I hope that one day we all meet him again." I finish and thank everyone. Tears stream down my cheeks and onto the dark fabric of my dress.


A few others speak, his mom, and another friend he's known for years. After that everyone throws their flowers on top of the casket and then leaves. Instead of leaving I stay a while. Gemma and her mother left a while ago but I can't help stay and watch as they lower the coffin into the ground.

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