17. Snow

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Mirror-Kat Dahlia

The Love You're Given-Jack Garratt

Run The World-Beyonce


This side of the country, east coast, is known for its severe weather. Ask any one born here and they'll know what you're talking about, scalding hot summers and freezing winters.

The snow outside my window is piled four feet and so we have a snow day. Here in Maine we're ready to stay in our house for a few days if we must. Through those days you often get bored and do every single thing to do you have.

"Kassie, you have a visitor." My mom calls from my door. With four feet snow who could possibly be here?

"Kassie-Kas!" Harry laughs and burst through my door. I giggle like a 5 year old and hug him.

"Its a blizzard out there!" I exclaim and hold him tight, his hands and cheeks red.

"Its not bad I drove as much as I could then walked, I was so bored sitting around my house." He laughed.

"So you came here to sit around mine?" I smile. His hair is almost flat to his head as he takes his hat, scarf and third jacket off.

"I like the way your room smells, its Girlier than mine too." He grins and finally undresses to a single layer, a sweater, jeans and soaking socks.

"Would you like some dry socks?" I ask and continue to walk to my parents room.

"Would you mind if Harry borrowed some socks dad?" I ask.

"Of course, I'm surprised he's not frostbitten." He looks generally worried.

I agree as he grabs a pair, "Thanks dad." I kiss his cheek and walk back to Harry, who has his socks off and is under my comforter.

"I got cold." He says, flat curls peeking beneath the blanket. I laugh and throw the socks at his head. In my closet on the floor is a large hoodie I have and I throw that at him as well.

"I can throw your shirt and socks in the dryer if you want." I smile. He nods and take off his shirt and hands it to me. I take them and throw then into the dryer across the way.

"Okay, what shall we do?" I ask as I hop onto the bed, legs criss-crossed.

"How about we watch a movie?" He asks and snuggles further into my bed. I grab my laptop and ask if he has any preferences.

"How about a horror movie?" He asks. I nod and pick one of my favorites.

"Really? Paranormal Activity?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Don't judge me, I like it." I state as the opening credits play in the background. His fingers softly touch mine and sort of caress them. After a while they tangle with mine.

The movie has so many cheap jump scares, but I still really like it. I jump and my hand squeezes Harry's. He looks at me with a smile. He's making fun of me, a mere smile let's that through.

I decide that since I know this movie I'm going to scare him.

"I've got to pee, be right back." I smile and walk out the door. I can hear that the movie is almost to the part where all the pots and pans fall in the kitchen. I run to the hall closet and grab a black sheet.

Through the crack in the door I can see Harry still sitting but now he's got the blankets closer to his face. Since I know the movie really well I wait for the quiet right before the scare.

When I hear my moment I jump through door and scream at him with the sheet over me. From what little I can see, I see him scream a high pitch and a look of pure terror on his face.

"Kassie!? Is that you?" He asks, with a deeply terrified look.

"If course, you dork." I grin and giggle uncontrollably. "Kas, I almost peed myself. That's not fair." He looks upset

"C'mon it wasn't that bad." I jump on the bed next to him, the movie still playing.

"I guess if you give me a kiss I'll be okay." He grins. I look at him and smile almost as wide as he is and peck his cheek. "You're welcome." I laugh and walk out of the room.

"Mom?" I call as I walk into the kitchen. She looks up curiously and smiles like she always does. "What's up honey?" She asks.

"I was just wondering if you were in here. I wanted to get some snacks for Harry and I." She smiles and goes back to the hot chocolate and book she's got at the table. I decide to make us both hot chocolate and grab snack foods.


"I am back with gifts." I smile with an armful of food. "Gifts?" He grins.

"Food, can't you see?" I laugh. "Okay so what did you bring?" He asks.

"Let's see, popcorn, hot chocolate and some candy we had on the table." He picks through the candy and finds a piece of chocolate.

"May I have a kiss?" I ask. His lips touch my cheek quickly and then he easys his chocolate.

"Thanks, but I meant the chocolate." I laugh, his cheeks turn pick and we snuggle back into the blankets.

I wake up to a blank screen. Also Harry is asleep but snuggling my stuffed bear. While he's asleep I walk over to my desk and take the pills the doctor prescribed for my sickness. I lay next him and snuggle into the blanket on my side. The slightly larger than usual bed gives us a good amount of bed for each of us, so I snuggle into the blanket and stare at ceiling. With the shutters closed I can see the glow in the dark stars I put there. I remember thinking that the room would be cozier to if I'd made it my own.

The light snores that erupt from Harry break me from my daze. I decide to just snuggle up to harry and go back to sleep.

"Kas?" He asks with sleep in his eyes. He pats my head and smiles groggily.

Then it happens again.


I'm late haha sorry. I'm terrible I'm so sorry its stupid filler and it sucks. I apologize next chapter will be something interesting I promise!!

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