12. Babe

36 1 4

Settle Down (Young Ruffian Remix)-The 1975

Grow Up-Paramore


"Kassie?" I stare at the bright screen in my hands. I don't want to speak to him. I subconsciously must want to though since I answered the phone.

"Kassie, I know you're there. Please talk." The desperation in his voice is real. I make a whimpering sound at the thought of months ago when I couldn't even think of Aaron without crying.

"Aaron, I can't speak to you." I say in a shaky voice. I press the red button, ending the call and the tears roll down my face. I look at the blank phone and sigh. I don't know why he called and I've decided, I don't care.

He calls several more times in an hour. I finally answer the eighth time to tell him to stop again.

"Kassie, please. I want to apologize." He says in the moments I am silent. I pause to think if no should listen or not.

"Go on." I say, because if he finally says what he has to say he'll stop calling.

"I heard you were in the hospital today, your mom called mine and she didn't tell me until today. Kassie, babe-"

"Babe?" I ask in a small voice.

"I'm sorry..it slipped." He mumbles.

"I have to go Aaron. Please don't call again." The line goes dead. He doesn't call back.


"You look rough." Niall comments. I look at him with a glare.

"I was going to ask what happened." He defends himself. I know exactly what I look like. Red nose, swollen cheeks, the works.

"I got a call I didn't want last night." I sigh and walk faster to my class. I guess my attempt at concealer didn't work of Niall of all people could tell. I pull out my sunglasses and pray to god my first period teacher doesn't say anything. When I sit in my chair he glances and me, shrugs and hands out a paper to us.

"Kassie, what's the matter?" Harry asks after Pre-Cal. I look away and stay silent. He grabs my wrist and steers me in the opposite direction of my next class. He pulls us into the library where Ms.Patti is surprisingly gone.

"She went to the bathroom, I saw her be for I found you." He mumbles, answering my unspoken question. We pass the table we usually sit at and go towards the dark rooms in the way back of the library. He goes into the third one we pass turn on the light and sits down in a chair.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"These rooms are usually used for group work but no one actually uses them." He explains.

"Right, so why are we here?" I ask.

He sighs and brings out a sweet, caring smile. "Well my darling with the swollen red eyes, what's the matter?" He asks almost as a joke. I laugh since its so out of his character.

"Really? What's wrong?" He asks and cautiously reaches over to pull my sunglasses off, as soon as it happens I look down. His hand gently nudges my chin up so my eyes meet his.

"Don't hide, you don't need to hide with me." He smiles. In that moment its all too much. I feel tears cloud my vision and he walks over and cradles me. I hear my voice telling him everything that's happened since last night and cry into his shoulder. He coos for me to settle down and rubs my back. It soothes more than I thought, which surprises me.

"Kas, it will be okay." He says and makes sure I'm looking into his eyes. I stare into his green eyes and listen to his encouraging words.

"I know you didn't want to hurt him but he hurt you in your time of need." He points out a good point.

"I know, but its not his fault I'm going to die." He flinches at the word 'die'.

"Y know you don't always have to be so blunt about everything." His eyes full of hurt.

"Its going to happen and I can't stop it, " I sigh. "You can't stop it either so its either fight it or accept it."

He stares at me with a stern look. The look in his eyes is new. Its something other than the good hearted look or the Don't-Talk-To-Me-Or-I'll-Bite-Your-Head-Off Look. Its something with...persistence.

"You might think you have nothing to live for Kassie, but you're wrong. You're wrong about it all because so many people love you. It may not be the romantic love you lost but its the love you've always had." His eyes gleam with passion. I feel tears reach my swollen eyes again. This time with something different bubbling inside me.

"Your parents love you and they are definitely something to live for." He says with the same look. The bubbling feeling inside is only something I recognize as hope, his eyes still shining. Before I know it I'm sobbing into the crook of his neck with my arms wrapped around him. He coos soft 'its okay' and 'shhh' into my hair. I've ruined his sweater but this is exactly what I needed.

"I'll always be here for you." He mumbles softly. Even when the tears are gone I stay in his arms and nestle into his shoulder.

"What time is it?" I ask. He shuffles around to grab his phone.

"School ended a while ago." He replies. I nod and hug him tighter then thank him.

"I'll always be here for you babe."He smiles sweetly and gathers his things. I do the same bit the word sticks in my head. Babe, it could mean a number of things but right now I don't want to think about that.

The library is dark and Ms. Patti isn't sitting at her desk. The door is unlocked so we walk out together. The walk to my car is nice and surprising since Harry decides to walk me there.

"Would you," He hesitates while I patiently wait.

"Would you like to come out with me tonight?" He asks. I think for a moment and respond quickly.

"Of course." His smile broadens as it usually does.

"Great! I'll see your eight." He says before losing my check and walking off to his cat.

A date?

How did I come to school completely heart broken and come out happy with a date.

Harry Styles.


So, in all honesty I am really proud of this chapter. like I tried not to get too lovey dovey so hopefully you like it? Love you guys! Thanks for reading!

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