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Chapter 2: Them New Profs of Barden

                                    Leaving her house at six AM, Beca munched on her cheese and bacon sandwich as she looked for a parking lot in the school parking area, it wasn't much of a trouble seeing as there weren't very much who were there that early in the morning, but Beca did recognize two BMW's parked by the parking entrance, putting the newly delivered 2017 BMW i8 on parallel park, Beca finished her breakfast and got out of the car. 

Speed walking to the head masters office, Beca arrived just as she saw her friend's being ushered in by a strawberry blonde haired woman. They caught her jogging towards them and smirked teasingly.

"Never the one to love waking up early are yah?" Jane mocked her as she followed suit, the woman who welcomed them in smirking in amusement.

"I haven't had the chance to drink coffee and you know what that means." Beca grumbled at her friend, her face set to a permanent scowl as they stood in front of a man behind a large mahogany desk.

 She never loved a morning without coffee.

"Good morning, ladies, I'm head master Sam Healy, welcome to Barden University." He greeted them with a somewhat dark smirk.

Sam Healy briefed them on what the school's mission and vision was about, telling them of all kinds of students that attended the school and what were the don't's and do's punishment that were valid for the bullheaded students. When the briefing was about finish, Healy checked his watched and grinned.

"Your first classes are up, Miss Mitchell, Miss Chapman and Miss Isles, please follow Miss Red to your designated auditoriums to start the class for this new school year, Miss Vause and Miss Rizzoli, please follow me to the teacher's lounge, you'll be introduced to the other professors." Healy lead the two away as Beca followed Miss Red with Piper and Maura to their classrooms.

When she arrived in front of the classroom's door, Beca took in a deep breath, not because of fear, but to calm her rising frustration, she was never good with presenting or talking to large crowds, much less to college students who were clearly stressed out as she remember she had been back in her college days.

"Mitchell." Miss Red called out to the small brunette, holding out a cup of steaming coffee, her accent thick as she uttered the American name,"Good luck on your first day." She said as Beca greatfully took the offered cup.

Breathing in the smooth caffeine, Beca breath out a sigh and turned the knob of the door, making her way inside with all of the confidence she could master. When she entered, she knew she had gained the attention of most of the room as it slowly grew silent. Setting her cup down beside a couple of books and her briefcase that was probably waiting for her, Beca took a chalk and proceeded to write her name on the blackboard, doing the same thing her mother once did at Beca's first day of High School.

"My name is Rebeca Mitchell and I'm the new English Literature professor." Beca announced as she turned to face the, now, very silent class,"Now, since you're all college students, I fully expect that you already know the classroom rules, it's the same in every grade level," She swept her eyes to all of the faces in the room, starting from left to right.

She thanked God that her father was a man who dwells in tough business who taught her how to look tough even in times of danger or great panic. So she looked at them with hardened eyes, making sure that they engrave in their mind that she was someone who shouldn't be played with.

"Same rules..." She spoke once again after her thorough observation,"Don't be late, don't speak when the teacher's speaking, no phones unless they were permitted to be used, you're allowed to it, but if I catch you the janitor is always glad for extra help, requirements must be passed on time and only if you have a valid reason as to why you couldn't pass it only then will I accept you to catch up." She rambled, pacing in front as they listened,"See, simple rules."

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