Chapter 14

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"Stop staring..."Beca grumbled,slapping Chloe's forehead lightly,making the redhead giggle.

"I wasn't staring... I was..."Chloe paused,looking at Beca's face,her eyes were still close but the redhead finds her more attractive with her bed hair,free of make-up morning face.

"You were...?"Ask the brunette now,still,eyes were close and her voice still sounds like she wanted to sleep.

"Becs..?"Chloe said now,forgetting what she was gonna say,brushing it off now.

"Chloe."Beca said in mock return,but it sounded sleepy.

"Please open your eyes..."Chloe said quitely,her voice full of emotions.. Love and adoration are more evident in it.

Her voice made Beca frown with closed eyes,"Why?"


Her small voice,that Beca is clearly smitten which made the brunette smile and open her blue orbs. Gazing in them made Chloe more and more in love with the brunette, despite knowing that what their doing is wrong,Chloe still couldn't find her self to stop loving the brunette, for  her, Beca was her life.

"Penny for your thoughts?"Beca asked,smiling at her.

"I love you...."Chloe confessed.

This made Beca's smile grow wider,into a smirk.

"Your in such a pretty deep thought there,Red... Anyways..."Beca giggled,pulling Chloe closer to her to plant a kiss to her lips before saying the three magical words they love to tell each other,any time they got,"I love you too."

Chloe smiled,even wider than the cat in Alice in wonderland,kissing Beca again,until the supposed to be simple kiss,turned into a make out session,this always happens,you know.

"Your such a weirdo..."Beca said,laughing a little after the kiss.

"Only for you.... only for you."Chloe whispered still near her.

"What were you thinking earlier?"Ask Beca now,cuddling Chloe into her after checking the time beside her bedside table.

"I... I was just thinking about you and me... How this isn't right.. I mean.. You and me.. We're perfect for each other but... Our status are completely different... Your my professor for God's sake,Beca... We might get caught and Helium will know and you'll get jailed and I'll have no chance to graduate without being called 'The school's famous whore who goes to her professors and get into their pants to get a high grade...'... Also.. My parents will kick me out an----"Chloe was cut off from her rumble by Beca cutting off.

"Why are being such a big negative...We weren't caught yet,are we?... Besides... If Helium gets to know about us...Dad and aunt Paulie wouldn't let him get me into jail...Besides... I promised my mom to only do this for only one year.. Not a lifetime career... Still.... I am still managing my own recording studio....As for your family... If they kick you out for being who you are... The their not worth your time to spend with... And if they real do that... You can stay here.... with my dad and some family members....Or you can transfer to Cambridge and live with my other Grandparents."Beca suggested,holding Chloe tighter.

"Be--"Chloe was about to say something.

"No Chloe... No more but's and what if's.... Now lets go... I have our agenda planned out today.. And I know you'll love it."Beca said,kissing her cheek before standing up and walking to the bathroom.

"I always love your surprises.."Chloe said,"Can I join you and scrub her highness's back?"Chloe said,smirking eyeing Beca's silhoute.

"You may also pleasure me,my slave."Beca said entering her luxurious bathroom chuckling,and very very very naked.

Chloe stood from the bed chuckling silently,asking herself how she had gotten this lucky.


Later that day...

Beca and Chloe are now sitting under Beca's favorite tree having a picnic by the peaceful lake,not away from the Mitchell Estate. Chloe's day was indeed filled with fun since their morning quikie.

Beca brought themselves to the stables, where Chloe met Beca's personal manservant, Ramsley. That very morning did Chloe learn that Beca's not fond of heights and seemed to be tense when she mounted her own horse, so Chloe acted like she didn't know how to ride one so Ramsley told her to get on Beca's own horse, which is where she just held Beca tightly against her front, which calmed Beca a little. To say, Beca quickly found out that Chloe was actually the expert when it came to horse riding.

"Well... You look like your about to die when you mounted your horse.. So I had to do something for myself."Chloe giggled,and left Beca to blush all she wants.

"Shut up.."Beca said.

"What's your stallions name?"Chloe asked, after a while. Kicking the horse's back a little,pushing the pure black  horse that Chloe could recognize as an Imperial horse.

"Titan The Great."Beca said hesitantly, looking anywhere but catching Chloe's eyes, when the redhead burst out laughing and the horse whined in approval.

"You named your horse 'Titan the Great'?"Chloe kept laughing not noticing that Beca already took charge of the horse rope, and had a devious smirk flustered on her pale face. Chloe didn't notice this until she heard Beca yelled 'Hiyya!" and the horse took off with great speed Chloe quickly secured herself by clingly tightly around Beca's waist.

"Hold on tight, you might fly off...'Bea teased making Chloe scowl hard.

"Your such a bitch!"Chloe yelled back.

They rode like that till they reach the entrance to the forest and Beca seem like she doesn't want to stop or turn to another corner far away from the forest.

"Beca... You do realize where we're going, right?"Chloe asked.


They entered the forest and 

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