Chapter 10

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"Beca!"Chloe kept banging on  the girls door for already five minutes -Not that she's counting.-

She followed the girl the whole way off campus,despite her having an afternoon class.

She's getting extremely worried every minute that pass by,she didn't know what happened or what is happening to the brunette right now.

"Beca,open up,please!,"She called out,"Its me!Its Chloe... Please Becs... Open up!"

Then,Chloe heard a loud crash inside and in panicked,she forcefully opened the door,banging her body on it,just then,the door broke open and saw a mess in the living room,she walked towards the area and saw a small body laying on the ground,she immediately recognized the body and rushed towards it.

"Beca!"She took the girls head on her lap and check her pulsed point,"Thank God your stable."She mumbled to a half-concious Beca,"I'm gonna take you to the hospital,okay.... Just... Just hold on for me okay?"She saw the girl nodded and she,with all her might,carried the small professor to her car and drove to the hospital just 15 minutes away.

She probably broke the speed limit driving to the hospital,because she got there five minutes later.

"Please help me.... My friend here suddenly collapsed when we were hanging out in her house... Can you please help?"Chloe ask the nurse behind the desk who was rapidly typing some things on her computer.

"Name of the patient please?"She ask while signaling another nurse to get a wheel chair so Chloe won't be too tired to carry her.

"Rebeca Mitchell,28 years old."She said and the nurse begun typing.

"Doctor Dexter would be in your service,just send her room 115."She the nurse with a smile then looked to the other nurse who nodded and wheeled the brunette to the said room.

"Thank you.."Chloe said,on the verge of tears.

"I'm just doing my job ma'am."Said the nurse modestly with a smile.

"Still..... Thank you."She said once again,then left to follow the nurse whose wheeling Beca to the said room.


"I'll be right there as soon as I could."Lukas said before hanging up.

Chloe sighed for the 10th time that whole five minutes since she arrived in the hospital,she's worried sick for the brunette,her secret girlfriend,the whole time she has been in the waiting area the doctor hasn't come out yet to tell Beca's status.

She had called Aubrey,Stacie and the rest of the Bella's knowing the others were just pretending they didn't know,she was real thankful her friends were supportive and were full power for their relationship.


Its been an hour and a half now since she arrived in the hospital,the girls were there now,some sat across from her,looking,glancing,staring at her with worried and sympathetic looks,she was annoyed and thankful at the same time.

It was a half hour more until Lukas ad Luke arrived,running towards them,Chloe immediately stood up approaching him,she haven't met him before but she knew which is the British one and who was the half Irish half Scottish one.

"What's the news with my sister?"Lukas ask,he definitely didn't know who this redhead was but he knows there is something going on with her and Beca.

"Beale?"Luke on his hard British accent was confuse and looked at Lukas asking,"Are you sure where going in the right room in the right direction?"

"Don't be stupid,Germanus,that's room 115 over there,of course I know where I'm going."Lukas snarled at the guy.

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