Chapter 8

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Beca was  about to unlock her room when she saw it was half open,wilde scenarios are already reeling her head,but she knew this thief can't hurt her.

FYI,She has an A+ in P.E for self-defense.

"Whomever the fuck are you,you better be ready."She mumbled and went in,calmly walk through to her desk.

After setting her things down,she was about to turn around when two strong hands covered her eyes and mouth to prevent her from shouting.

"I thought you had an A+  in self-defense."A very familiar and mischievous voice whispered ito her ear.

"Damn it,Chloe!'Beca hissed her girlfriend when the redhead took her hands away,thanking God she locked the door,"What the fuck?"She said,Chloe looked at her apologetically and silently rubbed her arm,Beca saw the hit of hurt on her adorable blue hues.

"Sorry..."She mumbled vulnerably.

"Oh,sorry,Chlo."Beca sigh,she went to her girlfriend and wrap her arms round the girls waist before pecking its lips,"I'm not real  morning person... Just do't scare me like that..."Beca said,then a mischievous smirk  appeared on the redheads face.

"So I scared you?"She ask backing away,"Aw Yeah!Mission Accomplish!"The redhead fist pump the air,"And I actually made you admit!"She pointed at the bruntte,"Plus,You can't chase me cause you wearing stiletto's... Boohoo..."Mock the redhead,dating her tongue out.

And Beca?Well,She just Smirk.

"Why are you smirking like you've got the perfect plan on mind?"Chloe ask,getting anxious.

"You do remember your underwear,right?"Beca ask,then Chloe's face became pale.

Ooopps.She thought.

"You should have real thought of it... First."Beca said,then slowly walked towards Chloe.

"I forgot to wear that lingerie,you are talking about Beca."Chloe said,but backed away until she was actually trapped by the table and Beca.

"Let's see...."Beca said,and took the object Chloe is been dreading to see,the brunette hit 'on' and Chloe gasp,and almost fall on the ground when she felt the jolt on her center.

"Becs..."Chloe's breath is becoming labored,she real is wishing that she didn't frightened the brunette earlier.

"Do you like it,Chlo?"Beca husked on her ear,turning the level a little higher.

"Babe.. P-please."Chloe said,getting lower and lower to her feet,trying to get it deeper but going,If it isn't for Beca she was already on her knees.

"Soaking now,are't you?"Beca said,"Do you know that you made me hot and bothered that I need to work myself in the bath?How I want you in me,How I want you on top me at the back seat... Damn I want you now,Chloe."Beca talked dirty with Chloe,pulling the redhead closer to her,making Chloe groan in pleasure.

"Beca... Please.... Some students..A-are arr-iving early... Beca,Please.. St--"Chloe gripped Beca's back,leaning for support when the brunette went for the highest level,and she is so sure that she was close,so close,and if Beca won't stop,she is surely going to make a mess,hopefully Amy won't be sniffing the air later searching for food.

"No,Chloe.... You better come hard or you won't be having orgasms for a whole week."Beca warned.

With that being said,Chloe was sent over the edge with a peircing scream with the brunette's name.

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