Chapter 7

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Beca's Black Silverado stop in front of a big establishment that Chloe recognize very well...

The whole ride from the redheads apartment was not so long,there's full of laughters and chats exchange by the two,Chloe being the talkative one while Beca listened well.

She learned that the redhead have a nice family life,so many friends in high school and collage,loves pottering,history being her favorite subject,next to english of course.

Chloe knew that Beca is from a rich family,but the brunette left the part where she's gonna own the family company as soon as she turns 25,She learned that Beca has big connections,including Ryan Martin and other Big company holders whether it be in U.S or Europe.

Beca got down in her sit and walked to the other side of the truck and helped Chloe out,receiving a kiss on the cheek after the ginger got out.

"Wow..."Chloe mumbled when she saw what it is,or rather,where they were,"Casa Italiano,seriously Beca,do you know how hard it is to get a reservation in here?how did you manage?"She was totally not believing this,Casa Italiano is the hardest restaurant to enter in whole Georgia and she can't believe the brunette manage to get a reservetion there overnight,"My dad would kill just so he can enter the restaurant....And this is whoa...."

Beca just laughed at the girls antics,"I have my ways,darling."Beca said,then approach the clerk.

"Ms.Mitchell!Its nice to have you back in Casa Italiano,Mr.Rilio have been waiting for you since you called last night.. Chef Lintonio will be your chef for your whole stay,Please go in and a usher will get you to your table...."He smiled to her that Chloe could say the Brunette went there more often.

An Usher went to them and led them to the said table.

"I don't know how he recognized you real well but I'm seriously impressed.... Aubrey will never believe me if I tell her we went here...."Chloe said upon sitting down on the chair that the brunette pulled out by the brunette.

"Well,Enique is a great friend,First time I went here was my 19 birthday,all of my family was here,the whole restaurant was close and I was so happy because the whole family was actually there,because its rare when the family come to such things.... And the owner of the place is actually  also my friend,Mr. Apostolo Rilio is a great man..."Beca said,then a waiter came to their table with a Pinot Grio wine.

"Monsieur Rilio will be with you in a couple of minutes,have you already decided your meal for tonight?"He ask with a very thick French accent.

Chloe and Beca finished off their antipasto misto,french for appetizers

"Palego al Sale for me.. and for my date?"Beca loked at Chloe questioningly.

"Oh,um... I'll get the.."She thought for a minute,"I'll just get the insalata."Chloe said,knowing a little french.

"Your dinner  shall be served in a couple of minutes..... I shall continually served your vino for the whole night..."He said with a smile,and left their table.

After the man left,the redhead and the brunette again quickly emerged in an easy conversation.

Chloe learned that the Professor also knew how to invent things and a mechanic in her pass time,often do some projects with her brother.

It was now clear to the brunette how bubbly Chloe could be even in a rainy day,she could still get the sun to come out... It's because of the redheads family,unlike Beca,Chloe's family are still together,Christmas and New Year is joyful,4th Of July are enjoyable,and Thanksgiving are awesome,no one will trade this family for the world.

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