Chapter 12

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So I was planning.... It would be hilarious to see Chloe fumming.....


"Thank you for the flowers,Cerina.... Their lovely."Beca complimented the lovely tulips the young student gave her.

"Its a little congratulations for getting out of the hospital bed.... Good thing Chloe saw you almost collapse in the hallway.... If it weren't for her you might be dead by now."Cerina said.

"Well... You should give it to her then.... After all... She was the one who carried me all the way to the hospital."Beca took a glance at Chloe,watching her packing her this and bidding goodbye to her friends.

"I'll get her something in our Christmas party."Cerina waved bye and bid her a happy semester breaks and left.

"You got nice flowers there.... Got room for more."Beca groaned inwardly,she real hates moments like this,she looked at Chloe's direction and saw her glaring at the boy,she was still beside Aubrey and Stacie whose flirting.

"No more,Mr,Swanson.... So if you may please leave now.... I only receive flowers from my students and friend,.... Not someone whose got an infatuation with me.... Miss Beale,Miss Posen and Miss Conrad please help me with these flowers and don't receive anymore."Beca said,taking her things and walked to the door but was blocked by Jesse.

"Why are you mean to me,Beca?.... I've done nothing bad to you."Jesse said,flowers making the air motion.

"The fact that you bother and annoy me every time I get out of class is something I hate Mr,Swanson.... I will make one thing clear with you.... I'm already in a relationship... And my girlfriend wouldn't appreciate or even be happy with the fact that someone is trying to get in my pants."Chloe smiled at Beca,witnessing how faithful she could be even thou their lovers in secret.

"Your.... Lesbian?"Jesse was,to say,speechless.

"Bisexual.... But I find women more attractive than men."Beca smirked and bumped shoulders with Jesse and left with the girls.

"!"Stacie laughed hard now getting inside the brunette's house after driving an hour and a half.

"He needs to know his place.... Besides.... I already have someone to give all my attention to... Who by the way is literally fuming, right now."Beca looked at the ginger whose almost slamming all the flowers on top of her desk, before looking back at her, "What did I do now?"Ask Beca.

"Um.... I and Aubrey are just gonna go now.. We still need to talk to our study group.... And my reservation in the Italianos."Stacie is already pushing Aubrey to the door to leave.

Once the door slammed close, Beca sighed a very very very exhausted sigh, before walking in her glass-walled office and placing her bag on her desk, walking towards Chloe, she sigh sitting down.

"I would never ever ever try to do something that would hurt you, Chlo... I-I love you to much to do such thing..."Beca sigh.

"It's not that, Becs... I know you wouldn't.... It's just..... I hate it when guys try to do their moves on you.... I know Jesse now knows your with someone...  Not specifically though... But the others don't.... And that's what makes me fume knowing they will be bugging you all the time... Asking you to dates, giving you things.... Trying to make you laugh on their silly and annoying jokes--"Chloe wanted to go on and on but the fact that Beca laugh made her pissed.

"I'm sorry.. Sorry... It's just..."Beca tried to go on but her giggles got the best of her,"You are o cute when your jelly."Beca laughed more when she saw Chloe's mouth fell open.

"Aca-cuse me?!I'm so not jelly...."Chloe tried to defend her self,but her pink cheeks betrayed her.

"Convince me more,Chlo.."Chloe just huffed and sat on the couch, crossed armed, "Okay,okay.... Sorry for laughing.. Look... Its semesters break... And guess what it means...."Beca moved next to Chloe, hugging her from behind, since her couch can be shift into a bed since its located in the TV room," It means... That we have the whole time to be together... Do everything together for a whole month....Just us... No Professor Infatuationist Movie-Nerd Jesse Swanson... Or Fraternity Boys.... No flirting students in the hallways... Just you and me... Doing nothing and everything together... The whole semester break..."Beca kissed Chloe on her cheek and stood up, only to be yanked back by Chloe on the couch again.

"You could real be a charmer when you want to huh, Miss Mitchell?" Chloe said, foreheads glued together.

"I totally could, Miss Beale...."Beca giggled, arm back on their former position, around the redheads neck.

"My little badass charmer." Chloe smiled,leaned in, and kissed her girlfriend sweetly.


Beca woke up feeling great, today she felt like everything is going to be great, that feeling is probably because Chloe totally rocked her body last night, more like broke it. But still, she craned her neck a little to see if the redhead was still asleep, when she saw that Chloe is indeed still asleep, but she wasn't complaining, she would never, Chloe Beale is the best thing happened to her, and she would do anything in her power to keep Chloe hers, and hers alone.

She started playing with the girls ginger locks, referring to stay in bed till the redhead wakes up, besides, she doesn't like leaving Chloe alone, the same goes to Chloe, but maybe she's just too lazy to get her ass up and cook breakfast for the two of them.

"You should real minus the volume of your very intelligent mind... It's a little annoying." Chloe grumbled, making Beca giggle.

"So... You want me to stop thinking bout you?,"Beca said," I could just think of someone else other than you... Perhaps Mr,Swanson will do--Ouch!"Beca yelped when she felt Chloe pinch her still sore thighs.

"Don't even think of doing so..."Chloe warned, even though her voice is sleepy, its still menacing.

After a few minutes of silence, Beca spoke again, this time, much sweeter and gentlier, "Morning..."


"So,... I've been thing.."Beca started and Chloe interrupted.

"Uh-oh... Not good."Making Beca giggle, sounh resonating from her chest to Chloe's cheeks,since her head is laying on Beca's still nude chest.

"My uncle' birthday would be this month... And I'm planning... That... If you like to... That you meet my family.... This month... I know its probably too early.. But I don't want to leave you alone... But my uncle is turning 50 so it was important... And I don't want to disappoint him or my father so I thought It would be a nice idea."Beca said, Chloe could feel Beca's heart pound in anticipation making Chloe giggle a little.

"Of course , I'd love to meet them,Becs... But before I agree so... Promise me one thing." Chloe said.

"Go on..."

"I want you to also meet my family."


A/N; Dear readers...

I'm real sorry for updating just now... My hamster died earlier and I real love it... So it was hard for me to get going... Since it has a sentimental value to me.... Please forgive me for not updating.


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