Chapter 13

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"Why did I agree on taking the road instead of the train again?" Beca grumbled shifting a little on her sit,because she's been sitting on the leather sit for hours now and she began to be stiff a little.

Semester break just begun and Beca and Chloe had packed their bags,but Chloe begun to argue with Beca that it's nicer and more enjoyable if they take the road instead of the
train,which could have been more comfortable in Beca's opinion.

They took the Hammer for a test run and decided that it would be the perfect vehicle to use,the next day,they took their bags and threw it in the car and drove to Portland Maine.

But now. . . She regrets giving away the comfort of the train for a very very butt straining ride.

"Because you can't resist me,that's why,Becs." Chloe said,jumping on her sit on doing so.

"Why are you even so excited?It so weird." Being said,Chloe stop jumping on her seat and her mood turned solemn,"Oh crap. . Chlo,Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. . . Um. . . Dad and the rest of my family used to go on holiday trips. . .We go to this beautiful lake side vacation house in Colorado. . Then,the last time we went there. . . Dad. . Dad was attacked by a bear. . . And it caused a huge trauma on him,so we never went back to the vacation house and sold it to some rich family." Chloe said,faltering.

"Sorry,babe. . . I'll make sure that this road trip would be worth it!" Beca said,squeezing the gingers hand gently,making Chloe giggle.

The whole trip was blasted!

The radio was on and all the way to Portland Beca and Chloe kept belting every songs out,until Titanium came to the radio.

"Oh my aca-G! Becs! You remember this!?" Chloe said,jumping on her sit.

"Yeah. . . My first night in that club... And .... Okay,you just reminded me seeing you grinding in the fucking guys cock!"Beca said,blasting the radio.

"Your so cute when your jelly!" Chloe giggled,facing on her sit.

"I'm so not jelly!" Beca retorted.

"It's okay,Becs... I love you." Chloe giggled again,but leaned on the brunette and gave her a kiss on the cheek,making the brunette smile.

Hours passed by and their trip paid off,they reached the brunette's cozy looking ..... Manor!

"Oh my,Beca!" Chloe shouted,looking at how grant and luxurious the house looks like.

"Grandpa's house ... Passed to my father."Beca said,admiring the big mansion.

"Your probably the richest girlfriend I'd ever had." Chloe said,making Beca laugh.

"I hope they aren't as gorgeous as I am...." Beca laugh,pulling Chloe with her to the front door.

Before she could even ring the doorbell. . . The door already open and Beca was pulled inside the house by her.... Presumingly... Aunt.

"Hi Aunty." Beca choked.

"Beca! Darlin'

" Bea.... Let the kid breath.. She looks like she's about to choke."Chloe could recognize the man as Beca's Uncle Den.

"Oh,But,Den.... I missed our precious angel... I haven't seen her in what seem like years!" Aunt Bea argued .

"It has been years,Bea..." The very fashionable looking woman,who Chloe could tell is Beca's aunt Pauline.

"Beca-boo!" Chloe giggled at the nickname a tall middle aged man called her girlfriend,taking everybody's attention.

"Well,well... Who is the lovely redhead Teddy bear?" Den ask,and Chloe's eyes widen when she realize that they were referring her.

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