Chapter 20: Blessings and Approvals

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Chapter 20: Blessings and Approvals


Chapter 20: Blessings and Approvals

                                        "And you're friend?" Peter Beale, the angry and irrational man who damned her while in court, calmly asked Beca Mitchell while tilting his head towards Santana Lopez's direction, who, till this time did not leave her phone for a second. He was angry for whatever Beca did, but he sure wasn't leaving his English morals in the trash, he was still a gentleman.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Santana dismissively answered, lifting her head in acknowledge more only a second before going back to it, typing rapidly.

Taking that as an answer, he nodded his head once, "Alright then..." Sigh the ginger haired man, before he turned to Beca, who was three inches shorter than him, opening the door a little wider, welcoming her in.

Beca smiled politely before she ducked inside the foyer, waiting for the man to lead her where he desired to converse in. Peter closed the door before he turned around, and lead them to the kitchen.

"Make yourself comfortable..." He offered the stool by the counter for her to sit in a monotone voice which made Beca wary as she did took the offered seat.

She watched as he went to get two mugs from the cupboard and two fresh packets of red tea from the pastry before she noticed the kettle on the burner, now she realized she might have intruded in a wrong moment. He placed the lemon and cinnamon on the counter before he decided to sit down and wait for the water to boil, so Beca took it as a cue to start the conversation she never had time to plan.

"I never wanted anything like this to happen, Mr. Beale," She confessed, trying to observe his mood that, since she got inside the residence, was never changing from stoic. It was concerning and was making Beca uneasy, "I know what I did was wrong and beyond human morality, and believe me, I have tried to stop it, these feelings I feel – that I assure you is not entirely sexual --, these feelings keeps coming back, and when it does, it would hit me harder than it did before... And I know that Chloe can confirm it so."

The kettle was now making a silent whistle and Beca knew that it was like a buffer to his rage.

"I expected a response but that would entirely contradict my purpose of coming here." She muttered under her breath, feeling a little stupid for anticipating that moment.

"I believe that you want to talk to me, and you never said about me having to agree with it or respond, so please enlighten me with your sudden appearance in my front door when you know I could do anything to you..." Peter told her, his eyes never leaving her stormy blues," Are you not afraid at all?"

"I know that you have to fight for what you believe in, Mr. Beale..." Beca voiced out her reason, "I know you could kill me because you never wanted your daughter to be like this... But I'm fighting for this relationship because..." She paused, she knew why, she knew why and she knew what feelings she's feeling, but she's in the position where she can't articulate it, "Mr. Beale, Chloe makes me happy... I've never been happy since I found out about my mother's illness and that's a big thing for me, I have a privileged life but I never asked for it and I still have it and they keep telling me that I must be happy, but the thing is, is that I'm not... I believe in this thing we have, because I love her and I am fighting for it because she loves me, and as long as we feel that way I am never giving up on her." She wasn't done, but the fact that the kettle was whistling annoyingly made her stop and Peter decided to stand up now.

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