Chapter 17: A Week Away From Grad

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Chapter 17: A Week Away From Grad

The redhead and Beca are back in the brunette's place, having a very heated make-out session. It had been a month since they were almost caught and Beca keeps on glaring at Jesse whenever they pass each other in the hallway.

Beca and Chloe had been very careful since that day, Beca reporting to Red about their situation time by time. And in return, Marion would tell her what Helium is doing it planning.

Pulling away from the redheads kissable lips,Beca stared at her eyes before word vomit came out.

"Im in love with you, Chlo."

"W-what?" Chloe choked on her words, not prepared for that kind of revelation.

And Beca, like herself quickly regretted opening her mouth, and blushed hard.

"I'm sorry, T-that was uncalled for... Let's just forget I said anyth---" before Beca could even finish what she was saying, Chloe crushed their lips together and immediately entered her tongue inside Beca's who gasp her surprise.

"I thought you'd never say anything..." Chloe said, leaning her forehead against the brunette who was panting after the kiss,"And I love you too."

Hearing those words, Beca smiled so hard she felt like her cheek would split at any second. Chloe giggled at her smile before she kissed Beca all over her face, making Beca squirm.

"So..." Beca perked up immediately, pulling Chloe closer to her, her arms around the redheads waist held her tighter while Chloe hid her face on Beca's neck,"Where are you going after you graduate?" Beca asked, making Chloe chuckle.

"Wherever you are?" She answered, making Beca laugh too.

"I'm serious, Chlo... You need to find your way to something you actually want to happen, you're very intelligent and outgoing, beautiful and extremely ambitious." Beca told the girl and pulled away so Chloe could look at her,"Becoming someone that makes you proud of yourself is a great feeling."

"So being an English Lit. Teacher is your big ambition that makes yourself proud?" Chloe teased with a smirk and Beca chuckled.

"Chloe, this was my mom's last will... For me to be a teacher just for a year or so, since she couldn't do more for anyone anymore," Beca sadly said,"She was a teacher at Cambridge for two years before she fell ill."

"I'm sorry..." Chloe whispered, caressing Beca's cheek.

"Yeah, well..." Beca sighed heavily,"After the graduation, I'm resigning." Beca proclaimed which made Chloe frown,"I want to go back to my old job, sweety." Beca answered the silent question.

"And that is..."

"Djing... And Producing... And such." Beca trailed.

Chloe chuckled before she stood up and walked to the kitchen where Beca followed her,"I was received in Harvard U., Bec." She opened the fridge and took a pitcher of apple juice, before getting two glasses to pour the liquid in.

"That's great! I can contact Mr. Langdon and register you to his class since I know you would like that! Plus,"Beca proudly raised her chin, not seeing the redheads dismay over the fact that she's going to Harvard, she took the drink and had a swig from it,"... I can finally put to use the number he gave me."

Chloe sighed heavily before she took a sip from her, now, Beca took notice.

"What is it?" Beca worriedly ask before she moved to stand beside the redhead across from her.

"... It's stupid." Chloe didn't look at Beca nor did she gave anymore information about what's bothering her.

Beca sighed before she held Chloe's chin and turned it to look at her,"Nothing's stupid about what you're thinking, Chlo-bear." Beca cooed and saw a small smile grow on the redheads face from her endearment.

"... It's just," Chloe sigh heavily again," I don't want to leave, and be busy... I'm pretty sure you're going back to Cambridge and I'm staying here in the US and then what?" Chloe turned to her and pulled her in, making Beca almost spill her Apple juice,"I don't want to break up because of the distance, Bec... I don't wanna be the Karma who was left by Amy in Faking it... Or the Britanny left by Santana on Glee or the Lexa who was left by Clarke just because she has to go back to where they came from." Chloe sadly said, but this only made Beca chuckle.

"How many Lesbian TV Series have you watched?" Chloe didn't appreciate this,"... And to tell you, making me Amy, Santana and Clarke means you're telling me that I'm sexy as fuck." The brunette laughed before she again enveloped a teary eyed redhead into a warm hug,"And who told you, I'll be the Santana to your Brittany, and Amy to your Karma, or the Clarke to your Lexa? None, so stop getting worked up because I'm not leaving... Whether you go to Brown, Harvard, Yale or Cambridge or Princeton or wherever." Beca smiled at her, pulling away to whip the tears from her blue eyes,"... My line of work can be carried anywhere, I swear... I'm not going to break up with you for some petty reason, like, Long distance." Beca made a 'No way' face.

"Really?" Chloe vulnerably mumbled, making her look like a small ten-year-old who accidentally tripped and spilled their Ice cream.

"Yes... I swear." Beca smiled before pulling Chloe in for a peck.

"What will happen if we get caught?Will this end?Will our love end? You'll lose your job. Will you be thrown in jail?"Ask Chloe not wanting to be far from the brunette.

"Who cares?....I only want 'You...Nothing but you'."Said Beca and leaned in to kiss Chloe

Unbeknownst to them, Jesse Swanson was outside the brunette's house, taking pictures of them. Idiot Mitchell forgot not to kiss where they could be seen.


"Miss Mitchell." Two police officer greeted her while tipping their hat and extended her a piece of paper.

She looked cautious while she opened the paper and was shock,"I never abused a minor..." She told them but the second cop held out a photo of her and Chloe kissing by her kitchen window.

"You violated the rule, miss Mitchell... Apparently, we can't do anything other than to bring you to court." He told her with no remorse.

"Please turn around." The first police said politely, so she did rather than be taken to jail with force, the other one told her her Miranda Rights while she was being escorted to the police car.


"Where is professor Mitchell?" Chloe went to red who looked at her sadly before she pulled her to the quad.

"Beca was taken to the Police Station this morning." Red told her, her accent thicker than their sweater,"Swanson did everything to set you apart... And I think his not finished yet.

Just then, the intercom ringed before Helium spoke,"Chloe Beale, I'd like to see you in my office this instance." Before the whole thing closed off and the eyes turned to the redhead.

If you're being called to the Dean's office, you're in deep trouble.

As she walked to the office, Jesse Swanson smirked at her, since she was going to the office for causing trouble, she took advantage of it, she smirked before she kicked his crouch and saw him drop on the floor moaning, the other kids in the hall laughed at him while the Trebles rushed to their Leader.

"Suck on that, Swanson!" Chloe said before she made her way, other students praising her.

But she couldn't smirk any longer, the back of her mind reminding her of her girlfriends problem. Now hers.

"I hate you Jesse Swanson."

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