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A/N: Please don't mind the Chapters title... I forgot what chapter we are now and I'm probably too lazy to check since wifi here is stupid.


"So where are we going next?"Chloe asked, getting down from the horse, Beca following behind.

"Wanna have lunch at Tito's?"Ask Beca, handing the horse reigns to the guard.

"What's that?"

"It's a diner down town... They serve the best stake you'll ever taste in your entire life."Beca answered, with a sigh of content just thinking of the food, which made Chloe giggle at her expression.

"You sure love food don't you?"Chloe said, then a thought got in her mind,"I wonder where all the food go."She said scanning Beca's body up and don't offending the brunette. A little.

"Hey! That's just mean..."Beca said,"You don't say mean things to people who's asking you out."She added and walked briskly back to the mansion.

"I was joking,Rebeca."Chloe laughed when Beca groaned and went for a sprint so the redhead wouldn't catch up,"Becky!"Chloe called out, but she was laughing her guts out.


"I can't believe I'm still going to treat you a stake after you insulted me."Beca said, looking at the redhead menacingly.

"It's because you love me, idiot."Chloe said, and laughed at the brunettes grumpy expression.

"Jee, thanks Chlo."Beca said, laughing mockingly, which sobered Chloe up.

"Meany."The redhead mumbled lowering her head, and Beca stuck her tongue out.

"Don't be such a baby."Beca retorted, while the waiter placing their orders in front of them.

Beca begun eating her stake while Chloe sliced hers into chewable pieces before she started eating, just then, after having her first bite, her eyes grew wide and she looked at Beca with surprise.

"I get it.."Beca said,"You like it."Beca laughed at her expression.

"Like?"Chloe asked,disbelief written on her face,"I don't like it one bit... I love it more..."Chloe said passionately, which only made Beca love harder,"Beca, I fucking love it more than I love you."At this. Beca's laughter died down and she looked at the redhead then the stake.

"Okay."She said and shrug, and the redhead just stared at her questioningly.

"Okay?"Chloe asked, mouth agape,"Okay?!"She asked a little loud now and Beca just kept eating,"That's all you'll say? Okay?!"Chloe ask, taking Beca's fork, surely and seriously offended.

"Chloe... I said okay."Beca said and took her fork from the offended redhead.

"Seriously?"The redhead said, still slacked jawed,"Are you fucking kidding me?... What if I fall in love with another person then I'll leave you... That's all you'll tell me? Okay? For serious?"Chloe said,then looked at Beca with confusion when the brunette just laughed at her.

"That's the thing,Chlo.."Beca said now, then wiped the gravy on her mouth then looked at Chloe smugly,"It's a stake... No one will go emotional if you run away with a damn stake because it'll grow mold and like every other food, smell awful and not delicious anymore... In a span of three days you'll be running back to me with tears in your eyes because your beloved meat lover is molded and withering."Beca explained and left the redhead to process it and begun eating her stake again.

"Should I try to run away with a guy and leave you?"Chloe asked, but Beca just grinned.

"Lets see how that'll work."Beca said, not threatened at all.

"God damn it."Chloe said and Beca just laughed harder at how the redhead was trying to bait her.

But in reality, the brunette is pretty scared that what the redhead is telling her would be true, and she wouldn't like that one bit.


Enjoying more of their meal talking and laughing and occasionally giving small pecks on each other's lips, not knowing the brown burning eyes looking at them on the far corner of the diner, there was siting a brunette guy with his friend.

"Jesse, your stake is in your face." Benji told his glaring friend and snapped his fingers in front of him, only to be ignore again, so he followed his gaze and saw the girl Jesse had be gawking around with a redhead Benji recognize,"Hey, isn't that Chloe Beale? The Basketball teams cheer captain?"Benji asked and Jesse's eyes snapped at him.

"She better have a good explanation to Dean Marshal and Dean Helium..." Jesse told the blond guy and stared more daggers to the two female lovers before they left.


A/N: I'm sorry! It took so long ....

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