Chapter 18:It's Love, Folks

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                                    "You can't do this! She didn't do anything abusive to me!" Chloe trailed her father to his office but the man just shook his head, stopping before he spined and looked at her menacingly.

"No, Chloe... The fact that she was your teacher and was older than you is unacceptable. She's a pedophile, and I won't have it." He entered his office but stop abruptly, not turning around as he held the knob of his office door,"My daughter is not a faggot." He said with so much hatred that it pierced the redheads heart and had tears streaming down her cheeks faster than lighting, he said this before he slammed his office door and left the redhead in broken pieces outside his door.

"Mom..." Chloe watched her mother's arms tense before it became relax again, and continued washing the dishes,"Please..." She silently pleaded, coaxing her mother to look at her.

She heard her mother audibly sigh before the woman slowly turned and looked at her crying daughter before Chloe let a loud sob and Shane quickly ran to her daughter and took the girl in her arms.

"I-i'm s-so s-s-sorry, m-mom..." Chloe stuttered, she held her mother tightly, her head buried on her mother's neck,"I-I d-di-didn't want t-to dis-disappoint y-you, I'm s-sorry." The redhead let out a sob,"I love her mom... I r-really do." Chloe confessed and she felt her mother cry too, the tears fell down like a water falls.

"It's my fault too sweety... You had it from me." The older redhead cried to,"When I was your age, I also fell deeply and madly in love with a girl, I was sure I was going to marry her..." Her mother stopped, and the younger redhead became curious.

"And...?" She asked, raising her head and looked at her mother who blushed hard, this made her chuckle a bit because her mother hasn't blushed since God knows when.

"... She died, sweety." Her mother's tears streamed and her smile faltered, her blush disappearing,"It was a car accident."

Chloe felt sad for her mother,"I'm sorry mom."

"I'm not, Chloe." This earned her a look of confusion from her daughter.


"I mean, I am... But if it didn't happen? I wouldn't have my beautiful and extremely smart daughter... That's why I'm thankful." She sighed and held her daughter's cheek,"... God Chloe, even though you two weren't related? You two looked a lot the same."

"You love her, right?"Shane asked her daughter, having settled on the couch near the fire place, Chloe leaning  on her side.

"I do. I really really do." Chloe answered and cried in her mother's arms all night.


                                                         Atlanta's state office has always been filled with daily noise, as some convict either rattled the place or the victim's family cursing the defiant to hell, and now, as they waited, the court hall quieted immediately as the judge called for the accused child offender to be brought to his presence to start the much awaited trial.

Beca Mitchell, with all of her confidence and dignity left, walked inside the court room, where the judge, the jury, her defense attorney, the prosecutor and civilians were, about to watch and listen all witnesses speak for or against the young professor.

The night before she sat with her lawyer and her other friends, Alex cursing loudly while Maura tried to stop her tears from flowing, sympathy evident in her orbs. She knew this was going to happen somehow, she was just surprise it was this early.

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