Chapter 3

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Author's Note: WARNING THIS CHAPTER AND THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS ARE UNDER EDITING STAGE, READERS MAY GET CONFUSED AS TO WHAT HAPPENED ON THIS (Truly, my writing way back then is so poor I have to re-write all I've written before).

Beca arrive at Starbucks at exactly three o'clock and waited for a killer thirty minutes for Chloe to arrive.She ordered a apple pie and a Americano coffee.She started eating her early breakfast when it was serve at her table and just in time Chloe arrive all sweaty and whatsoever.

"How long have you been here?"Ask Chloe.

"Since three o'clock in the morning,Ms.Beale....And its already four...And I'm kinda hungry so you better eat up too then we could start jogging again after ten minutes of letting ourselves digest."Said Beca and shove spoonful of pie,"Better hurry up if you don't want us to be late for school."Said Beca when Chloe was still not done with her own pie.

"Their egg pie is so not what I expected it would taste...Its worst that my own pie..."Said Chloe and left it there.

"Fine...let's stay here for five minutes then we could run..."Said Beca and stood up went to the counter and paid for her and Chloe's order.When she got back Chloe stood up and was headed to the counter when she was stop by Beca's voice,"I already paid it so sit down already."

"You did what?...Why?....."Ask Chloe who sat down again and was blushing to what the small brunette said.

"Dont need to know...And I insist..."Said Beca and when Chloe was about to protest she spoke first,"You don't have to pay me back..."

"And how do you say I want to pay you back?"Ask Chloe with a sweet smile.

"Because you were taking your wallet from your back pocket."Said Beca

"Impressive eyes,Prof,Mitch....So....Any plans for Friday night?"Ask Chloe.


"Oh....I was hoping--...Never mind."Said Chloe.

"Well Ms.Beale...Let's get going..."Said Beca and stood up.

"Could you please stop calling me Ms.Beale...Its irritating and very formal...Just call me Chloe or Chlo or even Chlo-Chlo."Said Chloe and stood up as well following the brunette to the door.

"Then call me Beca....Just Beca...No more nick names."Said Beca and opened the café door for the redhead.

"Thanks...And fine...But at least consider 'Becs'."The redhead said and started to follow the small brunette by jogging the sidewalk.



Beca was an her house watching 'House of lies' when her phone rang.She looked at the Callers I.D and saw it was her brother.She slide the green button and place the phone on her ear.

"What....?"She ask not interested.

"Deadly voice much?"Ask her brother sarcasticly.

"What....?"She ask again now with a groan,she snap her fingers and the show stop.

"You free Friday night,right?"

"Is it obvious...I did as you told...Not to use my Friday and Saturday night...Why?"

"I have a gig for you at 'The Whirlwind Club.',just close to your neighborhood....Just out the gate,dude...."Said Lucas clearly smirking from he other line.

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