Chapter 19: Get Things Done

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Chapter 19: Get Things Done

                                                       "Chloe, honey, that's your third tub of chocolate ice cream and your fourth bottle of Russian exported Vodka and my mom wouldn't really appreciate looking for it and finding them emptied out," Aubrey thought of her step-mother, the woman her dad married was sure a relief as she was more loose than her actual mother who was now in the Asylum.

Her father remarried and that lucky woman was Judy Fabray, who also had a daughter who was three years Aubrey's senior but the two worked well and Quinn basically became Aubrey's inspiration, the big sister she ever wanted as they say. But that's really not her concern right now because Quinn is sitting on her right as Chloe drowned herself in tears as she ate chocolate chip ice cream and drank vodka from the bottle out of sorrow.

"God, she's worse than me when I found out I was pregnant." Quinn muttered out beside her and Aubrey kind of giggled a bit as Quinn just shook her head in disbelief.

"I just don't get why?" Chloe sobbed pointing at the TV as a scene from 'The Notebook' played in front of them.

"That's why you should've paid more attention to the movie and not the ice cream..." Aubrey told her and fully took the ice cream from her hands and placed it all the way to Quinn's side of the table, "No more vodka for you."

"Maybe you should've just read the book." Quinn muttered and Aubrey glared at her playfully.

"Not helping Quinn" Aubrey said and Quinn chuckled beside her.

"I just want Beca right now okay..." The redhead now sobbed out the really reason as to why she was having a tantrum, saliva uglily sticking on her lip and her face soaked with her tears, "I just don't get why dad had to keep pressing chargers on her!"

"Chloe, stop worrying, your dad is being a douchebag and I'm pretty sure Attorney Lopez will do everything she can to finish this case..." At the mention of Lopez, Aubrey felt her step-sister perk up and saw that Quinn's attention are now directed to her.

"Did you say 'Attorney Lopez'?" Quinn asked, mouth agape for a moment before shaking her head, "Like, Santana Diabla Lopez, Attorney Lopez?" Now Aubrey's confuse.

"Yes... Do you know her?" Asked Aubrey and now, Chloe's gaze flickered up to Quinn too.

Quinn quickly put down her Anatomy book that she was reading so passionately for two days now and faced them both, "Santana Lopez was my best friend..." The Quinn looked like she backtracked, "Scratch that, she's still my best friend..." Quinn looked at them both hopefully, "She dropped off from Louisville and went to New York to follow Brittany who went to NYU and took Law... I didn't realize Santana also wanted to go that far, well... She always had ways with words." By now, Quinn was just mumbling to herself.

"Wha—" Before Chloe could even finish her sentence, a knock resounded on the door.

Glancing at the wall clock, Aubrey frowned, "It's 11 in the evening, only an axe murderer would want to visit someone at home." Aubrey joked but both Chloe and Quinn slapped her arm.

"Not funny, your dark humor isn't useful at this moment, Posen."

"Pardon me, Fabray." Aubrey mocked back but Chloe just slapped her again.

"Now you'll go answer the door..."

When Aubrey was about to argue, she was given a death glare by the two and it wasn't pleasant, especially when it's directed to you.

"Who can that be?" Aubrey peeked through the peep hole and frowned before opening the door," What are you doing here?"


Beca heaved, no, she's exaggerating.

She'd been pacing the Beale's front porch for half an hour now and Santana is just rolling her eyes down at the step watching her client, now friend look like a worried mother cow.

"Just knock, you coward." Santana hissed, typing a mile a minute on her phone, probably Brittany.

"Fuck you..." Beca shot back but then decided, oh what the fuck, "Fuck it." She said and then knocked a big bang of three times ,"Holy jumping jellybeans, Batman." She mumbled to herself as the door then slowly opened to reveal whom she came for.


"Mr. Beale."

"What do you want? You already have my daughter." He snapped with an angry huff as he crossed his arms and puffed out his chest.

"I actually came to talk to you." She nervously fidgeted with her hands and turned to glance at Santana who only stared at them like she was watching a boring clown show, "And it's important."


                                                "Chloe, we're here to take you to Mitchell Hall." Alex Vause smiled cheekily at Chloe who immediately ran to Aubrey's side when she heard Beca's name, but immediately frowned when she saw no familiar bad ass looking brunette.


"Beca's orders..." Said Piper who smiled at her sweetly, not at all creepy.

"Is Beca there?" Asked the redhead but all Alex, Maura, Jane, and Piper could do was look at each other before Jane spoke up.

"Beca's going to meet you there by dawn." She answered and the redhead's frown became a lot deeper.

"Dawn? Where is she then?' Asked Aubrey, before they all turned to find another blond by her side.

"Who're you? And where are you taking them?" Asked Quinn with authority and listened when Maura answered before nodding in understanding, "I'm driving them there."

"What? Why?" Aubrey asked, horrified, she didn't need a nanny.

"I was told to look after not only you but also of Chloe." Quinn answered, already unhooking her coat and taking the car keys.

"But we're almost done with college!" Aubrey protested.

"And yet, you still act like a preschooler." This made Beca's friends chuckle.

"I hate you." Aubrey pouted.

"We both know you love me more than your barbies that you still refuse to donate." This made the laughter grow louder.

"Quinn!" Aubrey looked horrified, "Are you serious?!"

"Now..." Quinn said," Where are we off to?"

When Maura was about to answer, Chloe waved her hand for a moment to stop them and silence the whole bunch.

"First of all, where's Beca?" She asked and a moment of silence surrounded them before Maura stepped forward and looked at her straight on her eyes.

"She went to talk to your father to settle things... And she wouldn't say what she's planning." After that comment, they all just filed into the cars without a word with Chloe looking distantly as ever.


A/N: GUUUYYYYSSS! Love ya'll!

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