Chapter 6

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Chloe left the brunettes house at 5 in the afternoon to go and get ready for their date that the brunette didn't even let up a clue to the redhead,much to Chloe's protest.

When the redhead got in she was met with the face of her fumming best friend.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!"Exclaimed Aubrey,shaking her slightly after she closed the door.

"Bree,"Whined the redhead,shaking herself loose from her bestfriend's grip,"I'm fine...."She answered.

"She's been worried sick...."Interject,Stacie from the armchair where she's nail filling her nail.

"OF COURSE I'M WORRIED SICK!!",Aubrey exclaimed again,"We didn't know where you were!We thought the worse---"She was interjected by Stacie.

"She thought the worse."She emphasized the 'she',while pointing the file to Aubrey.

"We thought you were somewhere dangerous,or,or someone kidnapped you or raped you!Oh my Gosh are you one of those druggie people!?"Aubrey continued gasping at the end of her sentence and begun pacing.

"Posen,chill out... I wasn't anywhere near your conclusions,I was at someone's house."There,Chloe flushed crimson shades and Stacie immediately knew who it was and pointed an accusatory finger at her.

"You dirty little bird!"Exclaimed Stacie and Chloe giggled at her and only high fived her while Aubrey looked at them questioningly,"She slept with Prof,Hotty!!"She squeled excitedly.

"Bitch will you calm you hormones.""Laughed Chloe holding her down.

"YOU.DID.WHAT!"A shocked Aubrey ask.

"Yes,Aubrey and Yes I know... But would it hurt?Its college,experimenting things aren't gonna hurt either.... Besides she's picking me for our date tonight at seven."Chloe said cheekily.

"What if someone caught you two?"Ask a concerned,Blonde.

"Who said we needed to show PDA?... I know I'm a PDA person but I also know the rules.... I'm gonna talk about it to her.... And beside.... Who said so many should know?"She said and looked at both her friends with a grin.

"You are one sneaky bitch."Said Aubrey and they all laugh.

"Come on,We'll help you find a proper dress..."Stacie said,pulling her up the couch to her bedroom.

"She said something comfy...."Said Chloe stumbling to the stairs.

Aubret only shook her head with a grin.

"She's so naughty."She chucckled at her own statement.


Its already 6:35 and Beca is already in front of Chloe's shared apartment.

She know's she's probably real early but can you blame her?

She was going to the door earlier but didn't want to come as eager so she stayed in the car and gave herself a pep talk and kept on checking her watch,she just listened to her radio that is so low in her Hammer.

She's wearing a plain white shirt with a 'Love is Louder' print on it and a leather jacket and an extra-tight jeans,for Chloe's advantage of course.

Out of boredom she took her phone out and sent a text to Chloe.

I'm on my way xoxo

She laughed at her own text,not just how untrue it was also because she never thought she'd xoxo to someone.

Meanwhile Chloe was already getting in her jeans when Beca text and laughed,she knew for a fact that the brunnrte was already there.

Sure,you are xoxo

She took her purse and walked downstairs.

"She's been out there for almost nine minutes now."Stated Aubrey changing channels after channels on the TV while Stacie polished her nails.

"Ten to be exact."Chloe corrected,then the doorbell rang.

"That's definitely her."Stacie said,not looking up from her work.

"Whatever.... I'll be going now... Have a nice night guys!'She waved at both of them as they sent her their lucks and opened the door to see Beca's back facing her,she saw that the brunette was wearing a leather jacket and a white shirt beneath,tight skinny jeans that she bet Beca wore just for her.

"Well,hello there stranger..."She greeted the prof. with  husky voice which made Beca's breath hitch when she felt the redheads arms around her,kissing her neck.

"So where in official status now?Your kinda greeting me like that is speaking 'Mine!' so loud."Beca teased and turned around and kissed Chloe's lip,"So damn hot..."Beca mumbled when they parted only to see that they wear matching shirts.

"Your with the movement!?"Both ask each other,"How long have you been a member?!"Still in sync.

"Wow... Small world huh?"Chloe said,getting a bit shy,but her confidence restored again,"Where are we gong anyways?"Chloe ask,blue hues pleading for answers.

Beca just chuckled,"I already saw that move,Beale...Come on.. We're gonna be late if we keep on staring at each other."She said,pulling the redhead with her.

"At least a nice clue about a fancy restaurant..."She grambled and climbed in the car,Beca hoding the doors open for her.

"Just for a couple of minutes will be there... Don't worry."She ressured the redhead before backing out the driveway witth a grin.



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