2K 38 3

I was driving to the airport to pick up my cousins. They live in Chicago, Illinois, and I haven't seen them since I graduated high school and that was a while ago.

My birthday is tomorrow and we all about to throw a Lil sum at my apartment. I pull up and turn my car off waiting for them.
6 minutes later
"BITCH!!" I look over and it was Tayla. "GIRL!" I hop out of the car and ran to her hugging her. "Oh my God, you look so good!" She smiled.

"Girl you had a whole glow up." I laughed and my other cousin Draelen smiled at me as I walked to him.

"Wus up Lil nigga?" I laughed and ruffled his dreads hugging him. "Ahh, my favorite family member." He said making fun of Tayla. "Hey stop and get y'all black asses in the car." I laughed and I help them with their bags.
"How long are y'all here for?" I asked. "Were here for what? A month?" Tayla said pulling out a whole bag of weed.

I look over at her. "What the fuck?" I laughed and so did Drae. "You smoke now?" I asked and she nodded doing some other shit. "You don't?" She looks over.

"Nah..last time I did I was like 16," I said. "Does your man smoke?" I shake my head. "Melo?" I asked her. "Whos Melo? I thought you and Jade-"

I stop her. "No, we broke up months ago girl." I laughed and Drae just fell asleep with his earbuds in. "Oh, shit fill me in!" She got happy.

"Okay well when I and Juliana were friends we went to this party and Melo was there and she was fuckin' with his other brother and then ever since that party me and Melo have been fuckin' with each other and hell other shit."

I said pulling into the apartment garage. "Girl your life is something." She laughed. "Tell me about it." I sighed and we woke up Drae and we all went to my apartment.
"I'll show y'all where you guys are sleeping," I said as I opened the door, and Melo wasn't in the living room.

I shrug it off and Drae starts looking around. "Oh shit! Can I have this?" He asked picking up Melo's jersey from Melo's bag.

"No. Boy stop touching shit." I laughed and went to the room. "We gotta share?" Drae whines. Tayla rolls her eyes.

"Yes, nigga unless you wanna lay on the couch help yourself." I laughed. "Can I connect my PlayStation? I'm trynna play 2k." He said grabbing his bag.

"Go ahead." He smiled and walks out and Tayla laughed. "I hate him." She shakes her head. "Mhm." I sat down with her and she lit up a blunt.

Instant flashbacks came back to my head. "Here...looks like you need a hit." She said. I sighed and took it from her hitting it some.

I start coughing. "Im done oh hell no." I laughed. "Oh don't go around the house with that Melo's gonna be pissed if his shit smells like weed." She nods and stops me before I walk out.

"You're dating Lamelo Ball?" She points at a picture I had in the room of us cause Melo used to work here. "Was," I said laughing.

"Drae fucking loves him. Is he here?" I nod. She laughed. "Okay well have fun in gonna get in the shower." She said walking to the bathroom.

I laughed and shut the door walking into my room. "Dip?" He was sitting on the bed. "Hey." I smiled.

"Wus up?" He sits up and hugs me. "Nothing just picked up my cousins," I said.

"Trynna let me meet them? I'll be the cool ex?" He smiled. I laughed. "Nigga go ahead but Drae loves you so if he fanboys don't be surprised."

I laughed walking out with him. Drae was lost in his 2k game. I go into the kitchen and Melo sits down on the couch and Drae still didn't notice.

"Drae!" I yell and he looks over at me. "Yeah?" he said taking his headset off. "Nigga look next to you." I laughed and he does and jumps up.

"OH SHIT!" Melo starts laughing and stood up. "ALLIA!!" He screams and looks at Melo and Screams again.

"Okay stop screaming." I laughed. "Is this - yo man?!" He asked still shocked. I shake my head. "Ex," I said sitting down.

"Aye man lemme hop on with you," Melo asked pointing to his 2k game. "Oh, shit bet!" I laughed and he grabs the other controller he had and they played 2k for a good 2-3 hours just bonding already.
4 hours later
The boys were slumped on the couch so I and Tayla laid in my room watching scary movies up until about 2:00 in the morning.

Fuck misspelling

Fuck misspelling

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Ybn so cuteee


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