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So I was doing the complete opposite of what Melo told me to do. Dontae had to work late tonight. I hope it's not a constant thing tho.

I waited for Melo to fall asleep on the couch and I grab my keys texting Ashley.


Me: wya?

Ashley: I'm still where I was before

Me: okay. Ashley don't be fucking around either. I won't hesitate to beat your ass again.

Ashley: it's about Melo.

I rolled my sights shut my phone off and Melo started calling me. I smack my lips and pick up.

"What dip?" I asked with attitude. "Don't start that shit. Where the fuck are you?" I stayed silent.

"Allia." I huffed as I pulled up to her street. "I'm going to talk to Ashley.." I said lowly.

"What did I say? Do you not listen no moe?" He said getting loud over the phone. "Melo I'm grown I know what I'm doing. I'm not like that no more."

He smacks his lips and groans. "You still the same. You know you still the same." He said. I laughed.

"Bye Melo." I hung up and pulled up to Ashleys. Here we fucking go. I got out of the car and grab my phone and walked up to her porch.

I knocked on the door and she opens the door. "Hey," I said softly. "Hi. You can come in if you want or we could talk like this?" I nodded and we go into the house.

We sit down on her couch and she sighed. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked trying to be as nice as I could.

"You remember Juliana?" My heart sinks to my stomach real fuckin' quick. "Yeah." I clear my throat.

"I saw her and Melo together yesterday.." I just looked at my shoes and sighed. "You got proof?" I asked lifting my head.

She pulls out her phone and shows me a video of them all booed up and shit. Then she shows me a picture and it was on Juliana's close friends and she and Melo were kissin' n shit.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Thank you, Ashley," I said and sat up. "I feel like I needed to tell you.." She said and we hug it out.

"Ill let you know anything else." She said and I nod walk out and bitch blood was flowing everywhere I was heated.

I get in my car and I wasn't even gone text, Melo. "MAN FUCK." I groan and felt tears fill my eyes. Why the hell am I on this nigga?

Cause you still love him.

"And her?" I told myself. "Out of...man fuck!" I scream again and I was going past every speed limit.

My heart was racing my mind was everywhere I was overwhelmed and confused and just genuinely mad at him.
I rushed my ass upstairs and clicked the elevator bottom at least 6 times.

I was breathing heavily and makeup was everywhere. I cried myself to the apartment. I grab my key shaking like a bitch.

I open the door and Tayla and Drae weren't home. I saw a note on the table saying they went out for the day.

I sighed and throw the note away. I cried and open the door to my room and Melo sat down watching TV. He looks up at me and makes a face.

"Wh-" He spoke but I wasn't letting him. "Melo you have 2 seconds to get out of this bitch before I start to freak the fuck out!"

I yelled and pointed to the door. He stood up and I look at him crying. "Why are you cry-"


He looks at me. "You went to Ashleys huh?" He clenched his jaw. "Yes, I did because you can't tell me shit no more! You can't keep doing this to girls who genuinely love you!" I cried.

"I don't! Dj been fucking with Dontae again so guess that makes it equally fair." He said and covers his mouth realizing what he said.

I just looked at him. "So..you fucked Ashley you fucked..Juliana let's not forget about Lani. So who the fuck else do I have to find out about? Why do you keep doing this shit?!"

"MAN YO NIGGA WAS CAUGHT FUCKING HIS EX! don't ever try and sit here and act like you all pure! Nigga you've done shit too!"

"But I guess you always wanna play the victim and get yo ways out of niggas huh? You ain't worth my time no more." He pushed past me and walked out and I could hear him start to cry.

"Mel-" He slams the door before I could even say this niggas name.

I slid down on the wall and threw my head back and drop my head back down in my hands. "NEVER AGAIN!" I yelled in my hands. "Never.." I sobbed.

Then my phone rings next to me.

Tae✌️🏽wants to face time...

I pick up the call.

"Baby whatchu doin'?" He asked.

"Nothing donate," I said pointing my phone to the fan. "I wanna see you..and why you got an attitude?"

I show him my face and just look at him through the phone. "So you with DJ?" I asked and his face softens.

"Are you with her?" I asked again. He shook his head. "Who told you that?" He said getting up from where he was.

"No one. Just tell me the fucking truth.." I sobbed on the phone. "Baby no-"

"Don't call me baby nigga! Yes or no?!" I scream and at this point, I was ready to murder a nigga.

He just hung up on me. I cried and throw my phone at the wall hard as fuck and I saw it fall. It was cracked the fuck up. Now I have to buy a new phone.

I just sat on the ground crying.

What a fucking life man. I'm done.

The whole time I was writing this I was listening to 'I love you' by Billie ☹️☹️now if you don't know that song man if you don't get yo ass on and go listen to it! The fuck?!!

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The whole time I was writing this I was listening to 'I love you' by Billie ☹️☹️now if you don't know that song man if you don't get yo ass on and go listen to it! The fuck?!!

Fuck misspelling 🐒

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