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1-2 months later
"Word to my mom you trippin." Help said laughing at me. "Nigga you come and try cleaning these dry food ass dishes." I laughed and so did Zo.

We were all at my apartment with Zo, Gelo, Tay, Drae, and his girl. I and Melo blocked each other on everything and haven't talked since. Honestly, I feel a lot better and I finally got my job back with Jazz and Eli.

"You see Melo's cougar?" G laughed. "She looks like a man," Tay said eating her grapes. "FOUL." Drae laughed.

"Bro I swear." Zo shook his head. "But we always gotta be happy with our discussions." Zo laid on Tay.

"What happens with that nigga tae?" G asked getting up and grabbing water. "I don't know..he ghosted me a long time ago and I'm not gonna lie it hurt," I said putting dishes away.

"Man you just have bad luck with niggas." Drae laughed. "Stop that's not nice." Ray slapped him. "Yeah listen to your girlfriend." I point at him.

"I think I'm cool with being single right now," I said wiping my hands down. "I feel like it's the best," Zo said. I nod and we all sat down watching the game that was on.

Hornets vs the Nets.

I rolled my eyes and got on my phone until G snatched it. "You went watch this game." He raised his eyebrows.

"But G I don't want to man," I whine. "Girl if you don't sit down and watch," Zo said taking my phone from g.

I smack my lips and the game was starting. I was focused on the tv and all I could think about was the last time I saw or talked to Melo.

"LaMelo for the 3!"

"My nigga!" Zo cheers. I sighed and saw him smile and then I could see the one bitch Ana in the crowd on courtside. "My God." I groan rolling my eyes.

"Huh?" Tay looks at me. "Nothing." I shake my head and the game continues.
The game ends and they won.
111-95 damn. They were pulling players aside for them small interview things they do after games.

I was cooking for everyone tonight is I was in the kitchen. Then I hear his voice.

"So laMelo how do you feel about tonight?"

"I felt great tonight and I feel real hype about our win for real."

"What inspired you for this game today?"

"What inspired me tonight..uh..my brothers for sure they were textin' me beforehand and it made me feel better about tonight and the most important part is my mama and my pops."

"Thank you LaMelo and have a nice night."

"Thank y'all."

I laughed. "Damn he did you filthy dirty. I saw her old ass in the back." Drae laughed. I threw food at him. "You don't know nun," I said and put the food on the plates.

"They ain't gone last," Ray said out of nowhere. "I like the way you think," Tay said and we all laughed.

"Food is done bitches." I smiled and they all get up and grabbed they plates.

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