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"Jano! Listen, baby!" Jenna whines. "Nah get off me man!" I smack my lips pulling my arm away from her.

"It's that roommate huh? You fucking her?" She snaps. "Maybe I am you don't gotta know tho cause it's none of yo fucking business!" I snap back.

"Whatever Jay! Just go!" She cried and I shook my head walking out to my car driving back to college.
"OUNO!" I yelled smiling in Melo's face. "You know I love you right?" He smiled and I hum. "Give me a kiss." He said and I laughed leaning over and pulling away and he puts the card down slowly.

"Pull 4 baby." He laughed and I roll my eyes. "You a sick joke!" I whine. "Life ain't fair huh?" He laughs.

"I'm back." I hear Jano walk in. "Oh hi," I said still focused on the game me and Melo we're still playing. "C'mon Melo! Hurry up so I can beat yo ass." I laughed.

He looks up. "Girl I just made you pull 4 sit down." He laughed. I watch him put down a wild.

"Mhm..what color?" I asked. "Uhhh blue." I nod and put down a skip. "Aw baby dat hurt." He groans and puts his hand on his chest. I laughed.

"Another one while I'm at it." I smiled and put another skip down and then a pull 4 card. "You cheating!" Melo puts shook his head.

"Life ain't fair..huh?" I mock him from earlier. "I'm bout' to slap you." He laughed. Jano was in the bathroom in the shower so I and Melo finished our game.
"Once a winner always a winner." Melo smiled. "Fuck you cheating ass nigga." I smack his chest. "You love me doe." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Mhm." I smiled. "You gotta go?" I whined. "Yeah, baby I got things to do. I'm here till Monday so tomorrow ill see if I can come pick you up," he said and I nod.

"Love you," I said kissing him. "I love you more." He said and hugs me. "I'll text you tho," Melo said.

"Call me the fuck?" I laughed and he did too. "Bye Mel," I said down the hallway. "Bye baby!" he yells back and I shut the door picking up our mess we made last night from all the snacks and shit we had.

"Wus up?" Jano walked out in only a towel. "Put clothes on," I said getting on my bed. "Why? You ain't fucking with it?" He smirks. I look at him and sigh. "No."

He frowns. "Damn thought you would." He smiled right after he said that and got dressed in the bathroom.

I was looking for jobs I could get over here cause I was broke as fuck. I mean I had some money but not enough to just go out and buy a whole bunch of shit.

"ALLIA!" I hear Jano yell. "Nigga what?!" I groan. "Your nigga left his PSD boxers." He said pointing at the bathroom ground.

I close my eyes and sigh. "Okay." I get up and grabbed them putting them in my hamper and Jano laughed. "Nothing funny."

I look at him. "Seeing you frustrated is funny as fuck." He said. "How?" I look at him. "Cause you look like a little kid that doesn't get what they want." He shrugs.

"You're fucking weird." I rolled my eyes. He smiled and I huffed laying back down. "C'mon." Jano looks at me and slouched.

"C'mon what?" I look at him. "Let's go get something to eat or sum." He smirks. "If we do you're paying," I said and he nods. "I gotchu." He said and got up putting his ugg boot things on.

I sighed and sat up putting my slide on and a jacket. I grab the dorm key and we leave.
"It's snowing?" I groan and hold myself cause it was cold. "Yeah. I mean it is November." Jano looks at me. "Nooo, it's April. I know that stupid." I shook my head.

"Why you so mad baby?" He asked as we got in the car. "I'm not your baby and because you're annoying and..etcetera." I said going on my phone.

"I'm just fucking with you." He laughed. "Okay." I continue to scroll on my phone.
We were at Del Taco and I smiled as we pulled up cause I and Melo used to go on dates to Del Taco when we were in Chino.

We ordered and I snap Melo a picture. He opened it not even 15s later and snapped one back.

'I miss yo big-headed ass😪' I laughed and snap him back.

'You just saw me yesterday elf head ass🤔' I laughed even more at my joke. "Why are you laughing?" Jano looks at me.

"Why are you in my business Jano?" I look at him. "My fault..thought I could get a laugh too." He said and pulled up as the lady gave us our food.

I lick my lips grabbing the bag and pull out my food. Melo snaps me back and it was a picture.

"Ou shit!" I shut off my phone quickly. I look at Jano and he laughed. "What?" He looks at me. "Nothing.." I said and pick my phone back up.

This nigga Melo is crazy.

'WHYY would you send that.'

'Because I miss you.' I laughed.

'That much? Boy if you don't go play basketball🙄'

'Fine. You lucky I listen to you.'

'Mhm text me later love you.'

'I love you too'
I and Jano got back with our food. My God a bitch is hungry.


Bro...I have a whole week off of school...so that means possibly all week updates😈

so that means possibly all week updates😈

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