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I was with Melo in the car and we drove to his house. It was so fucking pretty out. Not on some weird shit but nature is weirdly calming to me and it makes me feel a lot better.

"You talk to dontae?" Melo asked lowly. I shook my head. "No..ill have to soon tho," I said and laid my head in my hand looking out the window.

"You get a job yet? Or do I gotta get yo ass in basketball?" He laughed and I smack my lips. "Nigga my basketball skills suck ass." I laughed.

"Oh I know I saw every from experience." Melo laughed. "Fuck off." I shook my head. We pulled up to Melo's house and I get out of the car and Melo tossed me his keys.

"I do forget how tall you are." I laughed. "Man I'm not even tall..you're just short." Melo pushed me. "Rude," I said rolling my eyes.

"Nag nag." Melo smiled. "You want some food?" Dip asked as he laid down on the couch. "Nah I'm cool," I said sitting on the other couch.

"Now why are you over there..and not here?" He points next to him. "Because?" I look at him. "You act like you don't know me, Ali." Melo said in a tone that I missed..man.

"Melo I'm sure as fuck I know you.." I said. He sits up walking to me and lays on my thigh. "Since yo lazy ass doesn't wanna move." He laughed and I smack him.

"I'll cut your beard off," I said jokingly. "Aye! I worked hard. didn't I already talk to you bout this?" He laughed.

"Yes but I love seeing your reaction, Melo." I shook my head looking at my phone. He throws his phone on the other couch and cuddles up next to me.

It was weird but comfortable at the same time. "You and Ashley like friends now?" Melo asked sounding kinda hurt.

"Who told you that?" I look at him as he laid on my stomach with his warped around me. "Her." He mumbled.

"I never told her we were cool," I said. "Mhm." Melo hums and I sighed and someone knocks on the door.

"Food is here!" Melo jumps up and I laughed walking to the door with him. He opens the door and my God.

"Oh." Melo's smile drops as he sees Dontae. I look at him and he looks at me. "Aye is it cool-" Tae spoke but Melo closed the door and went to the kitchen with our food.

"Dip!" I yelled. "Yes, ma!" I laughed and opened the door again and dontae looked like he was about to call someone.

"I was gone call you to come back out.." He laughed shyly. "Yeah?" I shut the door and he looked exhausted like really tired.

"Are you okay?" I asked calmly and he sighed. "Dj..you..my child?" He groans. "Child?" I asked.

"Yeah..she found out she's pregnant and she won't stop trying to bring you in every argument we get into or anything. Allia I know a nigga fucked up but I'm just begging for some help."

Dontae looked at me crying. "Tae..you know if I do that it's gonna cause a whole bunch of shit you and I don't want or need," I spoke softly.

"That's why I'm working as a door dash nigga." We laughed and I felt bad. "I still love you tho." He spoke.

I sighed. "If anything gets worse call me or anything.." I said and he nods. "Bye dontae," I said and he waved and walked back to his car.

I walk back in and Melo was standing by the curtain. "What was y'all talkin' bout?" Melo crossed his arms.

"LaMelo. Get the fuck out of my face." I laughed as a joke. "What's funny?" Melo said in a serious tone. I looked back and his face was red..you could tell by his light skin headass.

"He was just telling me how he was struggling nothing else.." I said lowly as Melo walked closer to me. "You lyin?" he said towering over me.

I shook my head no and he sighed and starts taking things out of the bags. "Why are you mad?" I asked and he ignored me.

"LaMelo." I snapped and he shoots his eyes at me. "I don't know who the fuck you talkin' to. but I know it ain't me." He snaps back.

"Well, you're ignoring me!" I said. "Shut up and eat." Melo shakes his head walked into his room. I groan and sit down in the kitchen.
I laid on the couch watching imdontai. "Allia?" I hear Melo walking to the couch and it was like 2:30 at night.

"Hm?" I look at him and he rubs his eyes. "You wanna come in the room with me or?" He asked tiredly.

"Stay out here.. it's warm," I said lifting my blanket. He sighs and lays down on me and I put the blanket on us.

I scratched his back and I continue watching tv. "I love you." He mumbled. "I love you too love," I spoke softly kinda falling asleep.

"No matter our situations. I always got you." He mumbled again. I smiled and kissed his head.

Only you my girl, only you babe. only you darling only you my girl only you babe only you.

Dark red is my shit😩😩
Fuck misspelling fr🙄

Aye melo lookin a lil jealous if you ask me ...now the rq is...Allia you gone help that nigga tae or??? 🤨🤨

Allia you gone help that nigga tae or??? 🤨🤨

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Anyway my baby so fine ain't he? 😁😁

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