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I and Dj laid down on her bed. To be truthful I don't think I couldn't stop thinking about Ali the whole time me and Dj fucked. I sighed and look over and Dj was slumped.

I met Dj a long time ago..then she got a man and that nigga Dontae took my girl. Trippin. I should just go back to my playa shit huh?

"You okay?" Dj spoke softly as she sat up. "Yeah im cool," I said and she kissed me. "I'll be back." She gets off the bed and I watch her walk out.

I sat up and put on all my shit and grab my things leaving and texting her that I left. Allia should be home..im just trynna lay down somewhere comfortable man.
"AND 1!" Tae screams as Drae groans. We all laughed and to be honest were having a fucking blast. I don't know about Melo but I completely forgot about him the whole time Dontae has been here.

It was me, Tae, G, Evoni, Drae, Tayla, and Zo. "Aye man ill personally whoop yo ass." G said as Drae lost his 2k game.

"Word?" Zo laughed. They took turns back and forth. Tae sits down next to me and puts his arm around me.

"Im not gone cap..this is probably better than going on a date." Tae laughed. I nod. "This is the most fun I've had in a long ass time," I said playing with his little bracelet.

Then we all heard the door handle moving. "OH SHIT." Zo and G hop up running into the other room. "NIGGA GO." I laughed and pushed him in there with G and Zo.

Melo opened the door and looks at drae. Then Tayla then Evoni and he looks at me. "Why yall actin' like that?" He asked putting his keys down.

"Nothing." Evoni said going on her phone and I looked at him and he walks to me. "Can we talk?" He asked and I nodded.

We go into the room and my phone went off.


Trae: its hot as fuck in this room

Me: y'all good?

Trae: yeah we playin message games but damn girl it's hot

Me: stop 😭ill let y'all out hold on


Melo walked in the room. "Hold on." I said walking past him shutting the door and go into the other room. "Yall good?" I laughed and they were sweating they asses off.

"Hell no." Help said fanning himself with some type of cardboard. "Aye can we go?" Zo asked and I nodded.

They all come out the room and I hug them bye. "Aye call me?" Trae said pulling me back. I nodded and he was hella close to me.

"What?" I laughed and he smiled at me licking his lips. "Nothing.." He said looking into a bitch soul.

I bit my lip and he leans in kissing me. I hum and place my arms around his neck. It got heated until someone knocked.

I pull away fast as hell as the door opened. It was Melo and his jaw dropped with a dirty look on his face.

"So you can come in here and fuck with niggas behind my back? Why you bein' so secretive?"

He sounded hurt. Trae looks at me and him. "Aye I'll bounce..call me tho." He said and I nodded as he left.

Melo just looked at me. "Melo-" He smacks his lips. "Why you keepin' shit from me?" He closed the door.

"Im not.." I said lowly and looked at me hands. "Look at me man." He clemched his fist. What's wrong with him?

I look up at him and his face was red. "I tell you about Dj. I tell you when I'm leaving and I tell you a whole bunch of things so why can't you do the same?" he argued.

"Because Melo I dont want you to ever be mad at me like you are now. So please calm down before you kill someone." I said.

"Mad? Why you think Ima be mad?" I huffed. "Because I thought you still felt the same." I said.

"We both trying to get over each other I know but you just gotta tell me shit and not keep it from me. You dont have to tell me everything but still." He said.

I looked at him and his eyes were watery. "Melo sit down." I sighed. He sits on the bed and rubs his face.

I sit next to him and rub his back. "Melo." I said and he kept his face in his hands. "Melo talk to me." I said lowly.

He looks up and he was crying. "Melo." I hugged him and he wraps his arms around my waist crying in my shoulder.

"What happened?" I said and he lifts his head up. "Ive been stressed as fuck.." he grips my shirt still crying. I wipe his tears.

"I got basketball..a new girl and watching you do the same hurts me I'm not gone lie.." His voice cracked.

"Melo you think me seeing you with Dj don't hurt?" I said calmly. "I know it hurts you Ali." He said crying his fucking eyes out to me and I start tearing up.

"And it still feel like I got love for you. I cant let it go either.." I sighed and hugged him and we cried together like the bitches we are.

"Its okay Melo.." I whisper. "I know.." He said back and his hands grip on my waist harder as he cried more.

Oh my God.

Fuck misspelling 🤣🤣🤣💪🏽

Word Fuck misspelling 🤣🤣🤣💪🏽

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