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I finally got Melo to calm down and he sat down next to me on the bed playing with my nails. "You gone tell me?" He said and looks at me.

I look at him and he smiled a little. "Look you smiling mel." I joked and he looked away. "Man if you don't tell me." I laughed a bit.

"Promise not to be mad..okay?" He stiffed up. "Are you pregnant?" He freaked out and I laughed. "No nigga." I flick his head. "Ow! Damn that shit hurt." He rubs his head.

"Well listen and calm the fuck down." I laughed. "But in all seriousness. I'm going to college." I hesitated. He looks at me and smiled.

"That's a bad thing? I'm proud of you." He hugs me. I hug him back but he didn't let me finish. "But I'm going to New York.." I said and he pulled away.

"What?" His face softens. "I leave in 4 days.." I told him. "Wait." Melo stood up and I look at him. "Baby I'm rich as hell. I can come see you whenever." He geeked.

"You so dumb!" I laughed and he laughed. "But no yeah I'm proud of you..all the shit you've been through." He lifts my chin.

"You deserve it I promise you." He kissed me. I sighed as the thought of G ran through my head. "You're still mad at me huh?" I said looking at him.

He looked down and back up shaking his head. "I deserved it. I'm mad about it but at the end of the day I did fucked up shit too." He sighed and lifted me off the bed.

"What happened with Ana?" I asked lowly. "She gone!" He smiled. I shook my head. "You a kid." I laughed and he hugs me.

"I know." I hug him back. "Now it's time for you to talk to G. I also have to," I told him and he nods.

"Let's do that now?" He said and I nodded. "I'll go first," I said and he follows me out of the room.

"G!" I yelled out. "YEAH?" He yells back and I ran to the kitchen smiling because a bitch was happy.

"Why are you so hyper?" He mugs and I laughed. "Because. And stop why are you still mad at me." I pout looking at him as he cooked.

"I'm not." He was for sure mad. "G look at me." I look at him. He looks at me. "I'm going to college in 4 days.in New York." I told him slowly.

He smiled. "Look at you go." He hugs me. "Right??" I laughed. "But on a real note..that shit we did was a one-time thing okay?" He said pulling away.

I nodded and I wasn't mad. "I know. I and Melo made up about it so now you both have to figure shit out." I said sitting on the counter.

G groans. "I do?" He looks at me and I nod. "He's your fucking brother I'm sure y'all can't be mad over a bitch forever." I told him.

"You ain't a bitch Ali." He said turning the oven off. "Don't give me another lecture." I groan and he laughed.

"I won't." He said and I could hear Zo screaming in a good way?

"YO! YO!" Zo ran into the kitchen. "What?" I look at him. "TAY ASKED ME TO BE HER NIGGA!" He said like he was a damn kid.

"Good job big bro." G daped up Zo. "Don't fuck her now," Zo said and G gave him a death stare and I laughed.

"Outta pocket Zo." I shook my head. "I'm just fucking with y'all." He wraps his arm around me.

"Mhm." I take his arm off. "Rude as hell." Zo mugs. I laughed and I could hear Melo scuff his feet on the ground with his slides.

"Heres the king himself," I said and turn around on the table. "Yall talkin' bout me?" Melo looks at me.

"No," Zo said smiling. "Nigga why you so happy for?" Melo points at Zo. "Tay just asked him out," I said. Melo nods. "Man man. 18 and 24 don't sound right." Melo joked.

"Aye, she legally opened." Zo points. "Nasty." G said laughing. "Man isn't Ali 19? You 22 my nigga." Zo made another joke.

"Shut the fuck up." I kick Zo. "Ow! Aye Melo control ya damn girl." He rubs his side. "I let her do what she pleases." He said and wraps his arms around my waist.

"See y'all made up," Zo said and G was in his world. "Yeah." I smiled as Melo was on his phone.

"G," Melo spoke. G turns around and Melo nods to upstairs. "Aye, I'll be back." G said wiping his hands and they go upstairs.

"Wus up sis?" Zo and I did our handshake. "Nothing but I got some news." I smiled and Zo groaned. "It's nothing bad." I push his shoulder.

"I'm going to college..in New York in the next 4 days." I smiled. "Man! You smart as hell!" Zo hugs me.

"Zo you're gonna kill me." I groan as he hugs the shit out of me. "Sorry.." He pulled away and we laughed.

"But I'm hella happy. We bout to come to visit you every day." He smiled. "Yall better. I can't go days without seeing one of y'all." I said.

"I know," Zo said with a cocky tone. "Don't boost your ego." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Bring me the Pink Whitney!" Melo yelled. I look back and he had a fat ass smile on his face. I laughed and G was happy too. "We all gone have a little party to ourselves tonight." G spoke and grabs plates.

"Sounds like a plan," Zo said stealing a wing from the plate. "Aye! Get yo greasy ass hands off the food." G smack his hand and I look over and Melo was damn near done with the one he stole and Zo points at Melo.

"He can tho?" Zo made a face and G looks over at Melo. "Yall are both greedy." G shook his head and I laughed.

"We back and better." Zo nodded and we agree.

Fuck misspelling 🙄🙄

Look at this nigga baby dontai 😈he adorable asl tho anyway the first book is doing good as fuck!!! 26k?!!! WHAT???

Look at this nigga baby dontai 😈he adorable asl tho anyway the first book is doing good as fuck!!! 26k?!!! WHAT???

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