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We all had hella fun and Me, Zo and G took a whole bunch of shots together while Melo was out minding his own.

"I swore this was my last shot." G said laughing. "Wheres Ev?" He then added on looking around. "She's right there." Zo pointed and she was on her phone waiting for G.

"Yall stay safe." G said and we nod as he went to Evoni. "How you and Tay?" I asked pouring us more drinks. "Were good..better than me and Denise." He laughed and I shook my head.

"Heads up sis," Zo said and took his shot. I look behind me and Melo and his cougar walked to us. Melo was on his phone paying no mind to her.

"Hey, guys." She smiled. We both ignore her. "Hey dip," I said he looks up. "Wus up." He gives me a side hug. "Wus up lil bro." They dap each other up and I swear this Ana bitch had a staring problem.

"Man stop looking at her.." Zo said. "On God.." I laughed. "Who the fuck are you?" She stares at me. "Yo niggas favorite?" I said and poured me and Zo an actual cup.

"Nowhere near it." She rolled her eyes. "She so aggy," Melo mumbled to me and I nod. "Aye, you want some?" I asked Melo.

"Shit pour me up, friend." He said smiling. "I got you," I said and pour him a drink. Ana stares at him the whole time.

"Bro this bitch old ass hell...she old enough to my mama," Zo said to me and I nodded. "Is that DJ?" I said lowly.

Melo's head snaps and he looks back down and turns red. "Don't let her over here..she piss me the fuck off," Melo whined. "I got you, baby," Ana said rubbing his back.

Me and Zo bout laughed like some fools. Melo scrunched his face mouthing 'help me' I laughed.

"Hey, Dip." DJ came over and he ignores her while he drank from his cup. "Man you childish." She mugs.

"he doesn't wanna talk to you," Zo said looking at her and she smiled. "Hi, Zo." He sighed. "Move along." He shooed.

She smacks her lips and her eyes land on me. "You." She said and I look up. "Me?" I point at myself. "Dontae don't miss you one bit." She smirked.

"Okay? He doesn't have to?" I said in my defense. "And weren't you the one breaking up with Melo to fuck your ex? Crazy world."

I sip from my cup. "Just go." Ana buds in. "Who are you?" DJ mugged the fuck outta her.

"None of your business!!" Melo raised his voice. "Fine y'all lame anyway." She walked away and Melo takes Ana's hand off of him.

"You gotta stop touching me, man." Melo said. "Aint this y'all song?" Zo said and it was the only love on the brain song.

"Maybe." I smiled. "It is so now we go dance like we together," Melo said and pulled me up. "Really babe?" Ana whined.

"Mhm." I smiled and Zo followed us leaving her behind.
The song was over and Tay came here a little later cause she had work. "I need a nigga." I sighed.

"Girl you are done with niggas." Tay laughed. "I swear you're done," Melo said and looks at me.

"You have a girl," I said. "I know." He smiled. "Yall!" Evoni screams running to me. "Girl what?" I laughed.

"Nothing just missed you." She said and I shook my head. "Wheres g?" Zo asked on his phone while Tay laid on on him.

"He's coming." She said. "Here comes cougar," I said to Melo and he sighed.

"Allia come on." He pulls me up and I was confused. He pulls me upstairs to his room. "I had to get away from her." He said and laid down.

"I feel it," I said and sat on the ground and he had a bean bag so I laid down on it taking my heels off.

Soon I hear Melo snoring. I sit up and he was laid out on his bed. "Goodnight Mel." I put the blanket on him and I locked his door from the inside because I know Ana would try to get in.

I walked out and it sounded like everyone left. I walked downstairs and G was chugging on a bottle. "Damn G calm down," I said and he looks at me putting the bottle down.

"What's wrong?" I asked and sat across from him. "I and Evoni got into an argument and we are on a break and I'm just stressed out," he said and I nod.

"That's how me and Melo we're," I spoke. "Yall just kids tho." G said. "Nigga you're only 22," I said laughing. He looks at me. "Melo always loved you man." He said and I hum.

"I can see why tho." He said and took another sip. What is he talking about? "You drunk as hell." I shook my head. "I know." He sighed and pushed the bottle aside.

"You know I used to fuck with you when you and Melo were fuckin' around?" He said. "As friends or?" I said out of confusion.

"Nah." He stands up and comes to me lifting my chin. No. No. G. "G, you're drunk." I push him away.

"Heard a drunk mouth speaks the truth." He said and got closer to me. "You and Ev are still something and I don't wanna get in between that.." I said. I love Ev and if she found out he was doing this shit she would flip.

"You not if anyone finds out." He was inches away from me. "What about Melo?" I mumbled. "He's not with you anymore.." He placed his lips on mine and my whole body stopped.

Fuck misspelling

Bout to munch on sum food

Bout to munch on sum food

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