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ALLIA(long chapter)
My alarm went off and I groan. "Shut up." I turn it off and I was alone since Jano left yesterday night. I got up and Melo was blowing me up but I ignored him to make it seem like I was up to no good.

I started getting dressed blah blah you already know. I didn't tell Zo or G I was coming or anyone but Lavar.

It was gone be nice seeing my mama and my sister again and Jalen is out doing bigger things and I'm proud of him.

After like 12 minutes I finished getting ready and I had my bags packed already. I had to be at the airport by 6:30 and it's 5:12 right now.

"Let's go." I groan and make sure I had all my stuff and I grab my keys and my car keys.
I made it to the airport and they took my car and put it somewhere. I sighed and carry all my shit and do whatever to get my ticket.
Hours later
I landed and I was tired as fuck. I was walking while looking at people's stories on Instagram.

I turn my phone off and waited for Lavar. "ALLIA!" I hear my name and it was Tina and Lavar. I smiled and walked to them. "Hi!" Tina hugs me. "Hi, Tina. Oh, you look, nice girl." I smiled.

"Thank you." She smiled wider. "My favorite." Lavar laughed and I did too. We all hug and put my things in the car.

I sat in the back and Melo was really mad at a bitch but I have to stick to my plan. He even had Zo and G text and call me. Smartass nigga.
We pulled up to the house and I smiled. "Melo is sleeping. Zo and G are down at the pool." Lavar said and I nodded.

I had all my things and take them down to the pool area. I could hear music and talking.

"ZO! G! Come here!" Lavar yelled and I laughed. They laugh and walked to us. G looks at me but makes a little face. "ALLIA?!" He smiled and hugs me. "Damn g! You strong bitch." I laughed and Zo started to laugh.

"Hi, Zo." I smiled and hug him. "Wus up sis." He hugs me harder. "When you get here?" G asked taking my suitcase while Zo took my bookbag and I held my other one.

"Not that long ago." I smiled. "Melo misses you like crazy. He's been struggling because of it." Zo spoke and it made me sad. "Damn," I said and they both nod.

"Aye, we got yo bags go see your man." G said and I smile. "Thank you," I said and they nodded. I walk quietly into the mini house and to Melo's room.

I could hear him snoring his ass off. I laughed and opened the door and Melo was out all over his bed. "Big ass kid." I shook my head and took my shoes off and my jacket.

I close the door and get on the bed slowly and try to get in the covers with him. He moves a bit and I stopped.

"Boy.." I mumbled. He stops moving and laid on his back and I crawl over to him and started to kiss all over him.

He started to wake up slowly and I kiss him. He opened his eyes and they go wide. "OH SHIT! AYE, WHAT THE FUCK!?" He screams and hugs me. "MELO!" I laughed and hug him back.

"When the fuck did you get here?" He asked looking at me. "Today." I smile. "Thats why you been ignoring me?" He asked and I nodded.

He kisses me again and I wrap my hands around his neck. He pulls me on top of him slowly.

You already know I got that triple-double dulex 3000
Allia was sleeping like a whole baby. I was still up watching Tv. I honestly felt better when I saw her for real. Plus a nigga hasn't fucked in a good 2 months so I had to go crazy.

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