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"GET YALL ASSES UP!" I jump up and hit my head on the table. "Ow.." I groan and look around.

"Allia?" I look up and it was my mom. "Hi, ma." I rub my head and she smiled. "Girl come here!" She pulls me up and hugs me. "I missed you." She hugs me.

"I missed you more." I laughed. I pull away and they were all up. "Jurnee I wanna know how you managed to push me off the couch." I slouched walking back. She laughed.

"You were hogging my space." She said and stretched. Jalen was slumped again and he wasn't even up for a second.

"Whos you?" My mom points at Jano. "That's Jano mom..remember? Jan Jan?" Jurnee smiled. Why does she love him so much?

"OH! Hey honey." My mom spoke. "How do y'all know him? I didn't know this nigga till I went to college." I huffed and he laughed.

"Because while you were out with Melo he's been here." My mom said. "Ew.." I shook off hearing Melo's name.

"What? You don't like Melo now?" She asked putting things away and cleaning while we all got up. "Yeah, we broke up." I huffed and Jalen wakes up.

"Oh, baby I'm sorry." My mom pouts. "Don't be." I shook my head and went upstairs to put all of our blankets away.

I haven't been in my room since I left. I open it and it was left the way I had it. I shut my door a little and lay on my bed.

"Yes, bitch.." I mumbled into my sheets getting comfy.

"We coming in." I hear Jalen and I groan. "Ou it's warm." I hear Jano. "Mhm, and it would be warmer if you niggas got out!" I whined.

"Damn our fault." Jano laid down next to me and so did Jalen. "Jay! Get out!" I slap him sitting up.

"I'll tackle you." He bucks at me. I push him and we started fighting. Jano laughed and he started recording. "JANO STOP NIGGA!" I push the phone out of his hand.

"She mad!" Jalen screeched. "If y'all don't leave my baby alone!" My mom walked in. "Mch mom we was just playin around." Jalen smacks his lips.

"Don't care. Go." She shooed them. I smiled and Jano smiled shaking his head. "You tough as hell." He laughed.

"You're next if you don't leave!" I laughed. He rolls his eyes and an idea pops up in my head.

"Let's go to Walmart," I said and sat up. "Bet," Jano said and went to go ask Jalen.

I already knew he was saying yes. I went to go grab a hoodie and since it was the first thing I saw I put it on.

I put my slides on and Jalen was already ready to go. "Let's hit the road!" I yelled. "BE SAFE!" my mom yelled from the bathroom.

"we will!" Jalen yelled back. "Let's go pick G up," I said while we walked out. "Call him," Jano said and I call him.

"Hello?" He answered fast as hell. "You wanna hang out with me Jalen and Jano?" I asked getting in the car.

"Uhh, I'm out shopping right now with my brothers I'm sorry." He said and I could hear the cart through the phone. "It's cool love you G," I said.

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