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ALLIA (long chapter like very long)
"Melo jump on my bed one more time!" I smacked him and he laughed. "Why you so mad ma?" He looks at me. "If you don't help put the sheets on LaMelo," I said looking at him.

"Okay, my fault." He smiled and did what he was doing. "Jalen nigga what the fuck?" This nigga was laying on the ground on TikTok. "Huh?" I whine.

"What's wrong with you?" Melo comes next to me. "Nigga y'all are pissing me off." I sat down on my chair. "Why tho?" Melo asked another question.

"BECAUSE! You're over here jumping on my bed and just doing shit and Jalen isn't even fucking helping!" I raised my voice.

"Maybe G can help you." Melo smacks his lips and walked out. "Yeah sis I'm sorry. We're gonna go get so-" I cut him off.

"I don't care." I huffed and he left with Melo. G was out doing I don't even know.

I grabbed my blankets and shit and put them on my bed. The bed was tall as shit for no reason.

"C'mon fuck!" I groan climbing the damn bed.  "You good girl?" I could hear G walk in. "No." I sighed and he walks to me laughing.

"You look like you out of breath." He said pushing himself up on the bed. "Cause I was," I mumbled.

"Where the other 2 go?" I rolled my eyes. "They got mad well Melo got mad and they went to go get food." I sat up.

It was quiet. "Lets finish this shit." I said get off the bed. G unpacked my clothes and I unpacked my shoes.

G put on music and we got done with this shit within 20 minutes.
"Where the fuck are they?" I said sitting down with G. "Lemme call him." G called Melo.

"Where y'all at?"  "Okay."

G looks at me. "They won't be back for another 20 minutes." I rolled my eyes. "Stop stressing out.." G said warping his arm around me.

"Only if you knew G." I sighed. "Is it about Melo?" He asked and I shrug. "I don't know. It's like. I wanna be with him again but it's gonna turn out like it always has."

I said and G hums. "But I think us being friends is the best right now," I told him. "You'll get through it." He said getting off the bed.

"I gotta go.." He said. "Already?" I whined. "Yeah.." I huffed hug him.

"I'll see you soon," I said and he pulls away. "Be good lil girl." He laughed. "I will."
"I love you." He said kissing my head. "Love you more G." I smiled and he opens the door and I could see Melo and Jalen.

"I thought you weren't gonna be back in like 20 minutes?" I look at Melo. "My plans always work baby." He smiled. "Aye here's the keys." Melo gave G the keys and he waved bye and he left.

"Aye, I wanna say bye to her first." Jalen moves Melo. "Nigga go ahead." Melo laughed. "Ima miss you." Jalen hugs me.

"Nigga we could've went to college together but you're too good for that now huh?" I laughed. "Of course." He smiled.

"Be safe. I love you and mama loves you too." He said I nod. "I love you more and call me when you get home." He nods.

"I'll leave Melo to his lovey-dovey shit." He laughed and so did Melo. Jalen left and Melo smiled.

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