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(long chapter)
"Allia," I whined trying to wake her up. I planned on taking her to go see her mom and her other family.

"Bae!" I yelled and she shot her head up smacking my leg. "Ow!" I smack my lips and laughed.

"Fuck is wrong with you?" She huffed with an attitude. "Nun I just need you to get up and get dressed. Plus we have gotta party to go to tonight." I said putting my chains on.

She sighed and sat up getting ready.
I looked at Ali while we were at the red light and she was mad at me. "Baby?" I spoke smoothly. She side-eyes me and looks back out the window.

I sighed. "Where are we going, Melo?" She asked looking at me. "Well maybe if you were a lil nicer.. I'd tell you," I said smiling.

She whines and closed her eyes. I shook my head and continue to drive till we got to her street.

I pull up in her driveway and she opens her eyes and she instantly got out. I smiled and she knocked on the door. I followed up behind her and she hugs me.

"Thank you meloooo." She hums while I rocked us side to side. "You're welcome, baby." I kiss her head and the door opens and it was some nigga?

"Um?" I spoke while letting Melo go. "Who are you?" I asked not in a mean way I was just genuinely confused. "I'm Jack and you are?"

"I'm my mom's daughter and I live here so.." I see someone come up behind him and it was my mom.

"Jack move!" She got happy and she hugs me. I smiled not seeing my mom in forever. "How are my babies doing?" She asked hugging Melo too.

"Were good." Melo smiled. "Come in the hell!" She laughed.

We walk in and I hear Jalen's loud ass music. "Let's go scare him." I laughed and we go upstairs. Then Melo bangs on the door. "POLICE OPEN THE DOOR!"

"Oh shit!" We heard Jalen and we started fucking laughing. "Man, what the fuck? Y'all scared the fuck out of me!" He pushed me. "I missed you too," I said hugging him.

"Oh, where's y'all little sister at?" Melo asked. "She with her aunt." He nods. "Oh um come back to my place later tonight were going to a party." I smiled.

"Bet I got you." We said bye and left.
Me and Melo we're getting ready and to be honest I didn't know how to feel about my outfit.

Melo had to go back to his crib because I guess he wanted his fit to be a surprise? "Girl is this good?" Tay comes into my room. "Bitch yes you look good." I hype her up.

"Girl is Melo gonna like that?" She joked. "He better..I'm not changing." I shrug putting my lashes on.

"Wheres drae going for the night?" I asked. "He's gonna stay the night with Mikey and I think his girl." I hum and my phone rings.

"Yes Melo?" I prop up my phone. "What are you wearing?" He asked. "Something." I laughed. "Man don't make me drag you back home. cause I will."

I shook my head. "I'm outside waiting for light?" He said. "Okay." he hangs up and I was finished and so was Tay.

"Ready?" I asked and she nods and we leave.
I heard faint voices downstairs and bitch my heals were loud for no reason. We finally get downstairs and oh my fucking God.

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