Ch. 37: My Little Tranquility (Part 1): The Runaway Princess

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March 23, 2015/9:59am

'Sup, Rainbows? X3


I won't give away any spoilers. >:{D

Also: This chappy'll have other POV's.


Onward! ^^


||Big McIntosh's POV: The Letter||

{Tuesday, October 7, 2014/8:15am, The Apple Family Residence's Living Room}

"Dear Granny, Mac, and Abby," I begin, readin' the letter A.J. left on our coffee table, "I know what y'all are thinkin': 'Where the heck is Applejack? Why'd she leave this early?'. I get it, you're concerned. But somethin' was botherin' me, so I hopped in my truck and drove to clear my head. Curiosity set in, so by the time y'all read this, I'll be on Everfree Road, the road ma and pa took to deliver Apple Family goods to Keeper's Farm. It depends on which moment you read this here letter. I'll be back soon enough. Love, A.J."

"What?," Granny Smith asks, slightly frustrated, "That road ain't no smooth road! That's why Pie and Grunt crashed! Yer parents swerved to avoid somethin', but it... it didn't go well..."

"Well at least we know where she is!," Applebloom says happily, grinnin', but her face looks a bit worried.

"Eeyup," I say, slidin' my phone from my blue jean's right, back pocket, "It takes twelve hours to get to Keeper's Farm, though. I gotta make a call."

      I turn away from my granny and sister and call the one person who can help keep A.J. safe for the night.


[As Big Mac Read The Letter]

||Applejack's POV: Closure?||

{8:15am, In Applejack's Truck, On Everfree Road}

      I woke up at 6:40 this mornin', thinkin' about my dead parents. I think I cried for 10 minutes straight. Suddenly, curiosity took over and I wanted to know exactly how they died. I showered, got dressed (a simple white, oxford shirt, blue jean shorts, and a tan cowgirl hat and boots), wrote a letter to my family, and hopped in this here truck at 8:00am. It took me 15 minutes to get on Everfree Road, the road my parents died on. I have to know how it happened. How my parents were taken from a 6-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a damn 2-year-old. I ain't happy enough to listen to the radio, so I drive in silence.


[Time Passes]

{8:15pm, In Applejack's Truck, Near Keeper's Farm's Farmhouse}

      It started to rain hard around 7:30pm, makin' the sky rather dark-ish. I read a map I printed out to get to Keeper's Farm 'cause I didn't have one clue how to get here. I had to make a little turn off the main road, which is smooth. The little road leadin' to Keeper's Farm is a dirt road, kinda. This is the road my parent's died on, actually. Once I got here, I stopped the truck and just started sobbin', resting my head on the steerin' wheel. There is no longer a dark downpour and the sun is out again, but it's still settin' a bit 'cause Celestia sets the sun late before fall really sets in. I look out the window, a little disoriented 'cause I was used to the rain poundin' my windshield. I hear soft little taps on the windshield. Okay, so it hasn't stopped rainin', it just softened up a bit. I see a familiar, tall figure approachin' my truck. Hmm?

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