Ch. 2: My Little Slumber Party

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       At 4:55pm, Pinkie Pie, dressed in pink from head to toe (as always), jumps up and down with excitement, causing her already toussled, wild, pink curls to become even more wild. Today is the day of her "We're Goin Back To High School This Fall!" slumber party. Everything had been planned out perfectly: first, she and the girls are gonna have their own mini dance party - she asked her very good friend, Vinyl Scratch (also known as DJ Pon-3), to email her a playlist worthy of an "AWESOME!" from Rainbow Dash. Then, they are going to change into their pajamas and watch movies until they are sleepy. She already had candy, chips, popcorn, and soda in her house, but she asked Applejack to bring a few cases of Fizzy Apple Cider anyway. Once they are done watching movies, they will roll out their sleeping bags and sleep.

      The next morning, the girls will wake up to the smell of her pancakes, which will be in the shapes of their cutie marks (the magical marks that show up as small tattoos on someone's belly, on their left side, near their hip bone, when they've found their destiny). Rarity insisted that they head to the mall to get school supplies; however, Rainbow Dash suspects that Rarity just wants to drag them all to the mall so that they could tell her how great she looked in whatever she tried on. Pinkie Pie took Rarity's mall trip into consideration, so, after they were done with breakfast, they are going to shower, get dressed, and then go to the mall.

      Yep, Pinkie had everything under control. She looks at her "To Do" list, which is clasped to her hot-pink, balloon sticker-covered clipboard, and uses a hot-pink, glitter marker to put a check mark next to "Check That Everything This Sleepover Needs Is Here". Now all she has to do is wait for her friends to arrive! The doorbell rings at 5:00, causing an excited shiver to course through her tiny, pale body. She happily skips over to the front door and looks through the peephole. She nearly breaks the door in her excitement as she opens it.

"Howdy, sugar cube," Applejack says, her southern accent thick with emotion, "I got them cases o' cider you asked for!"

      Pinkie smiles at Applejack warmly as she yells to Big McIntosh,

"Hey Big Mac, help me get them cases o' cider in here!"

"Hi, Dashie!," Pinkie Pie says happily to the leather-and-denim-clad Rainbow Dash.

"Hey," Rainbow Dash replies in a way that amplifies her awesomeness.

      Rainbow Dash's awesomeness did not need to be amplified anymore than it already was. If her smooth-yet-raspy, calm, laid-back voice wasn't enough to make her cool, then maybe the spikes on her black, leather biker jacket, her hair being shaved on the left side, or her mirrored, Wayfarer Ray-Bans, which make her look mysterious, could do the trick. Rainbow Dash slurped the last drops of her McDonald's Iced Mocha loudly, prompting Applejack to yell angrily,


"All right, all right," says Rainbow Dash, annoyed, "Calm yourself. Slurp! There's one more, just to piss you off."

      The mischievous, dimpled smile on Rainbow Dash's genetically-perfect, tan face pisses Applejack off even more. Why does she have to have innocent-looking dimples?, Applejack asks herself angrily. Pinkie Pie's giggles aren't helping her calm down either.

"Yo, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash says as she floats in the air, "Call me when the others arrive. I'm gonna go chill in one of those clouds above us."

      Pinkie salutes her, as if she was in the army, and Rainbow Dash shoots into the sky faster than a bullet from an AK-47. 45 minutes pass by and a black car with a yellow lightening bolt stretching across both car doors pulls up in front of Pinkie's house. The front passenger door, which faces Pinkie's house, opens and Twilight Sparkle steps out onto the sidewalk while saying to the driver,

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