Ch. 14: My Little... Uniforms?! (Part 1)

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      The sky is sunny, the birds are singing, and Flash Centry, the best boyfriend ever, is playing his acoustic guitar softly for us, which he does daily. What could possibly go wrong today?, Twilight Sparkle asks herself with a smile. A few days have passed since the 1st day of school; however, the animosity between Rarity and Rainbow Dash is still as strong as steel. For the last 3 days, Rarity has been glaring at Rainbow Dash mercilessly. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, has been ignoring Rarity completely, stating that she "has more important things to do than arguing with or glaring at a spoiled brat who thinks about nothing but her looks all the time". Twilight sighs and tries to forget about her friends' argument about Rarity's tendency to judge anyone who isn't as "fabulous" as she is. She had to admit, Rarity can be really rude to Rainbow Dash and Applejack sometimes. Clear your head, Twilight thinks to herself, It's a new day and nothing will keep you from the fun of learning! She smiles as she takes in everything that is happening around her: Students' cars pulling into parking spaces (as well as teachers' cars), trying to get a spot before the 8:30 bell rings; couples walking hand-in-hand and kissing; Rainbow Dash tossing a football around with her cousins, her smile making Twilight smile; the Drama Club being as strange as usual; and then Twilight's attention wanders back to her rockstar boyfriend. She takes her long, left index finger and twirls the shoulder-length whisp of hair on the left side of her face, blushing. A somewhat beat-up pickup truck distracts her from Flash's music as it pulls into one of the few parking spaces left at 8:18am.


      Apple Bloom sinks into the front passenger seat of her older sister's beat-up pickup truck as other students point and laugh at it, covering her face with her long-fingered right hand. Rolling her hazel eyes, Apple Bloom asks angrily,

"Why are we drivin' around in this thing? They're all laughin' at us!"

"Am I supposed to care?," Applejack asks, her blonde eyebrow arched in confusion, "Besides, this truck was one of daddy's, and it has done a lot o' hard work! I'm mighty proud o' ownin' this truck."

"Whatever," Apple Bloom says flatly, bored with her sister's sentimental attachment to the old truck, "This is just what I need, another reason for Diamond Tiara to tease me forever. Thanks, Applejack, for bein' the most embarrassin' sister ever."

      Applejack rolls her green eyes and chooses to ignore her little sister. You're not exactly the greatest sister either, Applejack thinks to herself, annoyed. Both sisters open their car doors and grab their backpacks as a silver convertible pulls up beside them.


      Wearing purple, heart-shaped aviator sunglasses and singing along to the radio, Rarity pulls into a parking space in Canterlot High's parking lot, right next to an old pickup truck that she instantly recognized. Sweetie Belle, also wearing sunglasses, smiles from the silver convertible as she spots Apple Bloom.

"Sweetie Belle!," Apple Bloom says happily, "I wish I had been in the car with you. I bet DT and SP already spotted me and this ancient truck and made the connection."

"Wow," says Sweetie Belle, giggling, "Have you seen Scoots yet?"

"Nah," Apple Bloom replies as Sweetie Belle gets out of her sister's car, "We got here about the same time as y'all did."

"Oh," Sweetie Belle says as she grabs her Hello Kitty backpack, "Well, it's day four of high school. I can't wait for them to finally put out the sign-up sheet for after school activities!"

"Me either!," Apple Bloom says happily as she and Sweetie Belle walk towards the school.

      Trying not to cringe at the sight of the dirt covering Applejack's truck, Rarity smiles at the farm girl and says to her,

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