My Little Epilogue: Seniors

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(Ends w/ Applejack's "Veeery funny" quote. 😊)

(Ends w/ everyone laughing at Dash's joke (right before the A/N). 😃 (11:42-44pm): Added stuff & stopped at Rarity's "poor girl" line.)


Hi, my Raindrops! 👋🏾😘😆

I'm unbelievably sorry about how long these last chapters took... 😩😢 Hopefully, I'll get the epilogue out today, finally giving you guys the end of "MLH" (and the start of another MLP fanfic! 😆). 😊


Onward, babes! 😆


||3rd Person POV||

Apples & Jokes

{Monday, June 8, 2015/10:00am, Canterlot High's Football Field}

Summer is around the corner. The sun is shining brightly. The slight chilliness isn't fazing Canterlot High's 2015 seniors, whose graduation ceremony will begin at exactly 10:30am. Even though the ceremony is 30 minutes away, the seniors' family members and friends enter the stands of CHS' football field, preparing to watch the Class of 2015 graduate.

One of these families is the Apple Family, consisting of Applejack, Apple Bloom, and their grandmother, Granny Smith, each of whom are proudly waiting for brother/grandson, "Big" McIntosh, to take his place on the stage that was built on the football field. Luckily, the family found seats directly facing the stage and low-yet-high enough to be at eye-level with McIntosh, who is 6'6''.

However, the Apples are not alone. Applejack invited her 5 friends. Those of her friends who are taken brought their boyfriends. At Applejack's request, they are all dressed in red and white, red being McIntosh's favorite color and white... well, Applejack didn't really explain the white to them.

Smiling, Applejack looks at her friends sitting behind her. She does a double-take as she spots Rainbow Dash, clad in a very revealing, tight, lace, white, sheer dress (as Rainbow would on such an occasion... 😂) and red biker jacket, who had cut her rainbow hair to her shoulders since Applejack saw her last, which was only a few days ago. Applejack wonders why Rainbow is dressed this way. She reckons it's to draw attention, something Rainbow often craves. Or to mess with Soarin's head, something she also likes to do. Applejack's mind then drifts into the past a bit; the last time Rainbow had cut her hair was at age 13 (and Applejack was still 12 due to her late birthday).

"Wow!," Applejack says to the prismatic teen wrapped in her boyfriend's arms, "Last time you had that cut, I was in braces!"

"Ha!," Rainbow replies, another devious smirk forming on her lips, "I remember that. You wouldn't smile like a normal person worth shit!"

The two girls laugh hard, Soarin' Skies giving them an amused grin, right navy eyebrow raised.

"Yeah," says Pinkie Pie, giggling, "She constantly covered her mouth! Her genuinely smiling or laughing without covering her face was rare!"

"The poor thing started puberty first," Rarity interjects with a chuckle, talking directly to Twilight, who wasn't friends with the girls when they were barely teens, "She was taller than everyone, freckled, and had braces. Couldn't catch a break, poor girl!"

"It was a nightmare," Applejack said exasperatedly, eyes shut, "Can we not talk about this now? Or ever?"

"Hey," Rainbow begins, laughing, "You brought up the 'good ol' days'!"

"Veeery funny, Dash," Applejack says, playfully rolling her green eyes as her friends laugh.


||3rd Person POV||

The Future Seniors

{12:10pm, CHS' Football Field}

The Class of 2015 had all graduated by 12pm and now the grads and their families are sitting at round, white tablecloth-covered tables in CHS' football field, enjoying a celebratory lunch. The Apple Family, the other "Main 6" members, and the Main 6's boyfriends are all sitting at one table, gleefully cheering for Big McIntosh.

"I'm so proud o' you, Mac!," Granny Smith says to McIntosh with a wobbly smile, on the verge of sobbing.

"What's it feel like to be free of school forever?," Rainbow Dash asks McIntosh, her tone so serious, it makes her friends giggle.

"Awww," McIntosh replies with a dismissive tone and a chuckle, his deep voice being heard for the first time in hours, "High school ain't that bad."

"Coulda fooled me," Rainbow mumbles to herself, making Soarin' chuckle.

"Silly Dashie," Soarin' tells Rainbow jokingly, cuddling her, "Always complaining about school."

"What?!," Rainbow asks dramatically, pouting, "(*Groans*) It's so boring."

"And we still have one more year!," Twilight Sparkle adds excitedly, bouncing in her seat a little.

"Just had to ruin my day, didn'tcha, Egghead?," Rainbow asks Twilight flatly, her tone indicating a rhetorical question, "Couldn't go one second without nerd-ing everything up."

"But she's right, Dash," Applejack says as they laugh, "Next year, we're CHS seniors."

"OMG!," Pinkie starts, jumping up from her seat, "I gotta get started on that 'Senior Year' party I've got planned!"

"I'll help you get on that, Cupcake!," Pinkie's boyfriend, Cheese Sandwich, says happily, hugging Pinkie tightly.

"So sweet," Rainbow says with a smirk, "And cheesy as hell. Both puns a hundred percent intended."

The group laughs, and begin chatting about their future senior-dom as Granny Smith falls asleep.

"You will be rejoining the squad, right?," Rarity asks Fluttershy, referring to CHS' "Lady Wondercolts" cheerleading squad.

"Ummm," Fluttershy replies with slight hesitation, not sure if Rarity's question is rhetorical or not, considering the over-dramatic diva can be pushy, "Maybe?"

"Oooh!," Rarity whines, "But you've been slowly emerging from your shell! Do you really want to be a hermit again?!"

"Calm yourself, Rares," Rainbow interjects, defending Fluttershy as she often does, "If a bitch wants to hermit, let her hermit. If she doesn't, she doesn't."

"Sound logic if ya ask me," Twilight jokes and the others laugh.

"Moooom," Rainbow says to Applejack playfully, tugging the hem of Applejack's white dress, "Egghead's trying to be cool again!"

The group of friends laughs again, Rainbow smirking and taking a bow as her friends admire her humorous ways.




Hey, babes! 👋🏾😘💜


HOLY. GUOC. "MLH" is done. 😱😆

Can you believe it?! I know the epilogue isn't long, but I felt comfortable w/ ending the story there... 😆


Now. I'll be getting started on the sequel, but it'll take a while, so please, please, please be patient. I'm tired almost all the time & need to build up my energy to write all this. 😩


Thanks for understanding & goodnight! 👋🏾😘💜


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