Ch. 29: My Little Comeback Part 2 (A Rainbow Dash Chapter W/ Other POV's)

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December 1, 2014/9:40am

Hey, my Rainbows! X3


So I've decided, based off of @Rainbowtwilight78360's comment, to have Dashie tell her BFF's about the Silver Tongue incident, but only after she sees him and the rest of the "Main 6" ask her why she looks terrified. :) Thanks for the idea, @Rainbowtwilight78360! XD



1. (12-1-14/12:10pm) The "Main 6" have seen each other, and many of the other characters, at different points in their lives.

- A.J., Rarity, and Pinkie went to Ponyville Elemetary together (Pinkie was 8 when she met A.J. and Rarity). They graduated 8th grade together too.

- Octavia went to the Canterlot Academy For Gifted Children, so Twilight, who also went there until Celestia became her mentor, saw her often as a child.

- Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash attended Cloudsdale Academy together until Fluttershy was homeschooled (her parents were tired of her being bullied).

- Since Rainbow Dash was her BFF (and bodyguard, lol), she saw Flutters outside of school. The two girls even spent holidays together, along with Gilda, who later became a bully (Gilda, as you know, has gone back to being BFF's with Flutters, Dash, and the rest of the "Main 6").

- A.J. and Dash met when -

You know what? I'll explain all this in my MLP prequel (Yeah, I'm writin' a prequel! XD).

2. (12-2-14/8:43am) I am loving the suggestions, @TheCreepyCat, @mlplover17, and @Rainbowtwilight78360! XD


Onward, guys! ^^


||Twilight Sparkle's POV: 20% Hotter Than Us (Seriously)/Dash's Secret (What's she hiding?)||

{Continuing From The Last Chapter}

      Dash, forever the macho, "I show no weakness" type, quickly dons an "I'm fine, I totally didn't just space out on you and silently freak out" expression. Fluttershy is not convinced, and neither am I. But it's gonna take a lot to get Dash to spit out what's bothering her, so I'll just wait 'til she's ready. The bell rings, signaling the end of our lunch period. Dash says,

"I'm fine, guys. Let's just get to class."

"Rainbow Dash, A-K-A, Little Miss 'School Is Boring', wants to go to class?," Applejack asks incredulously, smirking, "The world will now explode. (*Looks at her watch on her left wrist*) Any day now."

"Oh, shut up," Dash says, nudging Applejack's right arm playfully.

      We laugh, happy that Dash is back and acting like her usual self. The only one who didn't laugh was Rarity. We ignore her as we walk to our next class. Dash's sky-blue, cropped varsity jacket is hanging off of her elbows, revealing her white, cropped T-shirt. Her Cutie Mark is on it and it's shiny, like it's metallic or something. She and Applejack are talking about what's been happening at school for the last few days.

"The Homecoming Committee and I pushed Homecoming Week to this week," Pinkie says, smiling at Dashie, who smiles.

"Why?," Dash asks Pinkie.

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