Ch. 8: My Little Back-To-School Emotions: Mixed Emotions (Told by Applejack)

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      It's 7:00pm (8-31-14) and I'm sittin' in my room. Outside my door, I can hear Apple Bloom (my little, somewhat annoying, sister), Scootaloo (a Pega-Sapien who's obsessed with my best friend, Rainbow "Dash" Dash), and Sweetie Belle's (the little sister of my friend, Rarity) strange theme song blaring from Apple Bloom's laptop. Winona (my dog) won't shut up. And if I hear anymore of "Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme" (the aforementioned theme song), I'll scream. I hear my older brother, Big "Big Mac" McIntosh, yell,


      It's one o' them rare occasions where Big Mac, who's usually calm, cool, and collective (not to mention anti-social), actually yells at someone. I'm tryna get a good power nap in after all my hard work on the farm today, but my house is more noisy than the herd of cows we own when I'm tryna round 'em up! I can't take anymore of Scootaloo's singin'. I wanna throw A.B.'s laptop out of her bedroom window! Not that I'd ever do it (or would I?), but I feel a strong urge to just throw the thing. I ain't never been this damn annoyed since the last time the brothers, Flim and Flam, came to our farm and Granny Smith accidentally sold my bass guitar to them for two-freakin'-dollars (actually, I was more pissed-off than annoyed)!

      I'm stuck with all these different emotions about going back to Canterlot High tomorrow, too. I feel a bit o' excitement 'cause I'll be with my friends (at CHS, my friends and I were dubbed "The Main 6" in the spring of our freshman year - that is, once Rainbow Dash finally warmed up to Twilight Sparkle). I'm annoyed 'cause my little sister'll be a freshman at CHS this year, and she can get pretty annoyin' at times. Especially when she's obsessin' over her Cutie Mark (a special, tattoo-like mark we get when we've found our talent) and tryna find ways to earn it with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (a group she helped create with her friends, who don't have their marks either)! I also feel... alone (is that the word I wanna use?) 'cause Twilight Sparkle (the leader of the "Main 6") has Flash Sentry, Pinkie Pie (another friend of the "Main 6") has Cheese Sandwich, and Rarity (in the "Main 6" group too) has Spike (an old friend of Twilight's)! It seems Dash and I are the only two of the "Main 6" who aren't datin'. So I guess I'm not completely alone, but still.

      I'm also curious as to what my friends are doin' right now. I pick up my apple-red telephone and call Dash, the member of the "Main 6" that I'm closest to. Her voice says on the other line,

"Hey, A.J. What's up?"

"I'm so bored right now. And that crazy theme song for the Cutie Mark Crusaders is drivin' me crazy," I say, my voice a bit angry.

      Dash laughs and says,

"What's with that song, anyway?"

"You are askin' the wrong cowgirl, sugar cube," I say with a laugh, "How're you? I heard you aced that competition at school yesterday. I'm so proud o' you!"

"Thanks," Dash replies, and I can practically hear the smile in her voice.

"How was it?," I ask.

"One of the judges pointed out that I was fast. He also said I was pushing myself too hard," Dash says, her voice goin' from happy to annoyed in under two seconds.

"You do have a habit of over-workin' yourself," I tell her matter-of-factly.

"I guess so," she says, "Cause by the end of the comp., I was stumbling towards the showers."

"What?!," I ask, very concerned, "You can't keep pressurin' yourself to win, sugar cube. Trust me, I know. Remember that time Big Mac hurt himself and I tried to buck every apple in my family's orchard by myself?"

"Yeah," Dash says, "How can I forget? I asked you to help me with a stunt and you fell asleep at last-minute. You fell on that catapult and propelled me across town!"

"Yeah," I say sheepishly, "Sorry 'bout that, Dash. But my point is, I over-worked my body to the point that I was too tired to help you or the other people who asked for my help. It ain't healthy. Pace yourself, sugar cube, or you'll get hurt. And we both know you ain't no stranger to gettin' hurt."

      I frown with concern again 'cause Dash has broken her right wing twice, clipped her left wing a few times, broken her right arm, and she nearly died when she fell out of the sky from 20 feet in the air (after she sprained her left wing doin' some daring stunt)! After a few seconds, I hear Dash say quietly,

"I know. I guess I'm a sucker for doing crazy stuff no one else would do. But I'm still kinda tired from yesterday, so I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?"

"All right, sugar cube, see you tomorrow," I say with a smile.

      The other line goes dead, so I hang the phone up and flop back onto my bed. I look at the red, apple-shaped clock on my dresser (to my right), which reads 7:30pm. I doze off. Probably won't wake up until tomorrow. 'Night!

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