Ch. 6: My Little Back-To-School Emotions: Excitement (Told by Rarity)

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   You are now about to enter the absolutely glamorous world of Rarity, the Queen Of All Fabulousness, through the lavender, lined pages of her brand-new, violet, bejeweled diary! Brace yourself; you are entering my brilliant, fashion-saavy mind, and you're getting all the latest, juicy gossip first-hand (in sparkly, purple ink).

August 30, 2014, 3:00pm

Dearest Diary,

      I saw you at Canterlot Crafts and just had to buy you with the money I've earned from doing outfit commissions for people. Your fabulousness was just too amazing to pass up! I squealed when I saw you, making my friend, Rainbow Dash, roll her eyes at me. Your bedazzled cover was enough to make me forgive her for silently dissing you.

    I must tell you about the wonderful slumber party Pinkie Pie, another one of my rather wild friends, threw to celebrate the fact that we were going to be juniors at Canterlot High this year. It was so much fun; that is, before we were stuck watching a horror film (Rainbow Dash's fault). I never understood Rainbow Dash. She's absolutely gorgeous, five-foot-ten - oh my gosh, the girl could be a fashion model! However, she prefers sports to fashion, so there's no hope getting her to model my clothes. *Sigh*... Back to the party I was describing for you... We had a little dance party, we watched six films in one night (one from the favorite genre of each party guest), and when we woke up the next morning, we were treated to the most divine breakfast I've ever witnessed! It was prepared by Pinkie Pie herself and, even though I only ate a salad (also made by Pinkie Pie, bless her little, pink heart), the choices that the others had for breakfast looked so delicious! After breakfast, the girls and I took a trip to the mall. I told them we were going to the mall to get "school supplies", but Rainbow Dash saw right through me. She knew I only wanted to go shopping and that I wanted them to be my personal mirrors to tell me how I look (now that I think about it, I was using them for my vanity! I feel horrible!). It was on this mall trip that I found you *Smiles*.

      I must also tell you about the fact that I, the glamorous and fabulous Rarity, will be starting my junior year at Canterlot High in two days! I'm so very excited! I am a Lady Wondercolt, in other words, I'm a cheerleader at CHS. Rainbow Dash's cousin, Crystal Rainbow, is our captain (it's so strange; she's NOTHING like Dash at all), and I finally got my other friend, Fluttershy, to come out of her shell and join the squad! I made our fabulous costumes and uniforms, of course (the blue and gold is GORGEOUS).

      Oh my, my iPhone is alerting me about an email... apparently, one of my followers on Etsy wants me to make an outfit for one of her dolls (Monster High, to be exact)! I started making clothes for dolls when my little sister, Sweetie Belle, asked me to make a dress for her doll. She shared the picture of the dress I made with her friends, who shared it with their friends, and on it went until I suddenly had others asking me to make doll clothes. So I joined the Etsy community and my career as a designer took off from there.

      I must get started on the aforementioned outfit (I don't like to keep customers waiting). Au revoir, my darling diary!

~Rarity, 3:15pm~

August 30, 2014, 6:30pm

Dearest Diary,

      I'm finally finished with my customer's outfit. Yes, it took a while, and yes, it was tiring, but when I'm making some outfit, I am as happy as Fluttershy (more on her later) when she is volunteering at the animal shelter.

      My 18-year-old cousin, Pearlity, called me at 5:45. I was so thrilled to hear her voice! I barely got to see the girl this summer, probably because she's preparing for her senior year at CHS. I can't wait to see her tomorrow; she said she's gonna help my friends and I prepare for college because CHS juniors get ready for college early. I told her,

"Good luck getting Rainbow Dash to willingly prepare for school-related stuff at all."

"Oh, Rarity, she'll be willing to prepare if she wants a great future," Pearlity told me, laughing.

      But I was so very serious. Rainbow Dash is pretty, talented, fast, and smart, but she tends to slack off. She's more focused on blowing spitballs on teachers rather than listening to their lectures. *Sigh*... Must she be so immature? Au revoir, darling, I must get downstairs for dinner.

~Rarity, 6:40pm~

August 30, 2014, 9:45pm

Dearest Diary,

      This is my third and final entry for tonight. It's 9:46, but I'm too excited about my new year at CHS to sleep! *Squeals quietly*... This will also be my shortest entry, for I'm going to try to get some sleep. Bonne nuit, dear.

~Rarity, 9:50pm~

      I know I promised you gossip, but I'm much too tired for that. You're probably wondering, "What's with all the French in your diary entries?". The answer for that, my darling readers, is my recent trip to France with my sister and parents. The moment we got back from Paris, I was stuck on Francais (French)! Well, bonne nuit (good night), readers!

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