Ch. 13: My Little Anniversary Gift (A Soarin' Dash Chapter)

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      The school day is finally over at 3:00pm. Almost all of Canterlot High's student body are gathered outside - all but two, Soarin' and Rainbow Dash. The two lovebirds are sitting in an empty classroom, and Soarin', sitting backwards in one of the classroom's chairs, looks up at Rainbow Dash, who is sitting on his chair's corresponding desk. Her violet eyes stare at the white, linoleum tiles.

"Sooo," begins Soarin', staring at his obviously nervous girlfriend, "You do remember the anniversary of our relationship was earlier this summer, right?"

"Y-yeah," Rainbow Dash stutters, "Why?"

"Because," Soarin' says, smiling, "Even though it was great, I still think we're missing something."

"What do you mean?," Rainbow Dash asks, finally looking into his green eyes.

      Soarin' holds out his large, right hand and Rainbow Dash slowly places her left hand in his. He uses his left hand's fingers to gently push a stray, red lock of her hair out of her face.

"I mean that we have been dating for three years, but no one knows it," Soarin' says, his smile disappearing, "Don't you think that's a bit weird?"

      Rainbow Dash looks at the tiles again. I feel so... I dunno how the hell I feel right now!, she thinks to herself angrily. After a few seconds, she tells him,

"Yeah, it's weird, and I'm sorry. (Smiling) So, here's my anniversary gift to you: we're gonna march out of this school, hand-in-hand, so that everyone will see that we're a couple. Then, I'm gonna tell my friends. What do you th- hmm?"

      Rainbow Dash's sentence is cut off as Soarin' kisses her lips. She didn't even realize that he stood up and picked her up off of the table! She smiles as she returns his kiss with just as much enthusiasm as Soarin' has.


      The "Main 6" stand in front of the school, chatting about the classes they had, how much they missed each other (Applejack had a few classes with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, but didn't really see much of the others), and laughed about the rules that seemed made-up just to make students miserable. Applejack tells them about the boys who always bully Rainbow Dash, who teased her until she nearly hit them.

"I need to keep that girl on a leash," Applejack says jokingly, "Nah, I'm kiddin'. Speakin' o' Rainbow Dash, where the heck is that crazy girl?"

"Isn't that her over there?," Fluttershy asks, pointing to Rainbow Dash as she and Soarin' walk towards them, holding hands.

"Is she... holding Soarin's hand?," Twilight Sparkle asks, her right, indigo eyebrow arched at a Mount Everest-worthy height.

"Yeah," says Rainbow Dash, smiling, "I'm holding his hand. I should've told you guys this three years ago, but -"

"You and Soarin' are dating!," Pinkie Pie yells happily, bouncing up and down.

"PINKIE!," Rainbow Dash says angrily, frowning, "I was supposed to tell them that!"

"Calm down, Dash," Soarin' says softly, "It's not the end of the world. Everyone knows we're dating now, so everything's fine."

"Wait," says Twilight, "Pinkie, how did you know they were dating?"

"I can predict the future, silly!," Pinkie says, rolling her blue eyes playfully, "That, and I had a vision of them kissing at the Junior Wonderbolts competition three years ago. I didn't tell you guys because it was a secret!"

"Thanks, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash says happily, holding out her left fist.

      Pinkie bumps her right fist into Rainbow Dash's and smiles. Applejack looks at Rainbow Dash and says to her,

"Awww, sugar cube, you didn't have to hide anything from us! We're your friends, no matter what. You hear me?"

"Yeah, A.J.," says Rainbow Dash, staring at the concrete under her feet, "Sorry."

"Rainbow," begins Twilight with a smile, "You should've just told us! You, Soarin', Flash, Rarity, Spike, Pinkie, Cheese Sandwich, and I could've been going on group dates!"

"Whoa!," Rainbow Dash exclaims, her eyes wide, "Slow your roll, egghead. I don't do group dates."

"What?," Soarin' asks, frowning in confusion, "Why not? (Smiling) It sounds fun."

"Fun?," Rainbow Dash asks, "Have you met Rarity and Spike? Their PDA antics should be illegal!"

"Ugh!," Rarity huffs, her pale nose in the air, "Sorry if our love bothers you, Rainbow Dash. At least I show my love for my boyfriend in public, which is more than you could ever say!"

"Well that was rude," Twilight says to Rarity, frowning, "Why would you say that? It wouldn't hurt to apologize."

      Rarity's dark-blue eyes stare at the concrete beneath her feet. She looks at Rainbow Dash, who had turned away from her when she made that horrible statement. How could I have been so insensitive?, Rarity thinks to herself angrily, guilt gripping her tighter than a corset.

"Dashie, darling," Rarity says to Rainbow Dash as she walks over to her, "Please forgive me. I couldn't live with myself knowing that I hurt one of my most loyal friends. (Hugging Rainbow Dash) Please look at me."

      Rainbow Dash's violet eyes squint for a moment as she looks at Rarity. Then she hugs Rarity tightly. Smiling, Rainbow Dash says,

"Rar, you can be a total bitch sometimes, but I still love you."

      Everyone laughs except Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight, who are all too shocked to do anything. Then Rarity, both confused and angry, looks at Rainbow Dash and pulls away from her. So much for an apology, Twilight thinks to herself.

"I apologize to you," Rarity begins angrily, staring up at Rainbow Dash, who is several inches taller than she is, "And that's what you choose to say to me?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Rarity," says Rainbow Dash, a smirk gracing her features, "Was I being too honest for you?"

"Uh, Dash," Applejack says nervously, "Maybe you should just leave the whole 'honesty' thing to me. And uh, Rarity, you can be a little rude to some of us. Especially me and Dash. Mostly it's when you're talkin' about how we dress. It's kinda annoyin'. Not that Dash callin' you a 'bitch' is a good thing."

      Rarity stares at the ground again, wondering if Rainbow Dash was right. Was she really "bitchy"? Rarity sighs as her friends talk about catching the next bus to Canterlot Metro. It is going to be a long ride home, Rarity thinks to herself, sadly staring at her purple, Jimmy Choo pumps.

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