Ch. 3: My Little Back-To-School Emotions: Nervous-cited! (Told by Pinkie Pie)

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      It's 9am (August 29th) and, as I set up the cash register at Sugarcube Corner, I can't stop thinking about the new school year! I am 16 and I'm gonna be a high school junior soon. Oooh, I'm so nervous-cited (it means I'm nervous and excited)! I, Pinkamena Diane Pie, am gonna give more life to Canterlot High than it ever had this year! More parties! Rainbow Dash-awesome school dances! CHS would be, like, some boring Catholic school without my perky, vibrant personality. And I'm happy to give life to CHS at a moment's notice! Someone's voice pulls me out of my party-filled thoughts at 9:15. I look at the first customer.

"Can I get the 'Rainbow Dash Special Milkshake'?," Scootaloo asks, bouncing with excitement like I am.

"Sure," I say, "What flavor?"

"Chocolate with extra whip, plus sprinkles, just like R.D. herself!," Scootaloo says.

      I love that she admires my best friend, but sometimes she scares the cupcakes out of me! She admires Dash so much that she does everything in her power to be just like her! Even Dash says it's kinda creepy sometimes.

"Sure thing, Scootaloo," I tell her with a big smile (thank goodness she can't read my mind), "That'll be two RainBucks!"

      Scootaloo hands me two, rainbow-colored, dollar bill-like pieces of paper with a picture of Rainbow Dash holding her first Wondercolts Basketball trophy. The "Rainbow Dash Special" series of food items here at Sugarcube Corner started when the Canterlot High Wondercolts rushed in here after winning their first away game against Equestria High. Every team member was cheering Rainbow Dash's name while holding her up above their heads. It turns out that she scored many of the points and scored the winning basket! Mrs. Cake let her have anything she wanted for free. Rainbow Dash drank a chocolate milkshake with extra whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles. How do I know? I'm the one who served the Wondercolts' table that night. Eventually, due to the fact that so many people loved Rainbow Dash and her amazing speed (and her ability to create a Sonic Rainboom), Mrs. Cake started selling everything Rainbow Dash ordered and loved the most as a "Rainbow Dash Special".

"Anything else?," I ask Scootaloo.

"Nah, I'm good," Scootaloo says.

"How do you feel about starting freshman year at Canterlot High?," I ask as I prepare her milkshake.

"I'm totally stoked!," Scootaloo tells me, grinning, "I'm gonna be there with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle!"

      I smile and think to myself: well, at least Scootaloo isn't exactly like Dash; Dash hates school. The thought of sitting in a classroom all day being lectured by some boring grump of a teacher (her words, not mine) makes her cringe. She says the only reason she likes school is because of her friends and sports. I finish preparing Scootaloo's shake and hand it to her.

"Thanks, Pinkie," Scootaloo says, smiling.

      She turns to walk out the door, but she freezes up at the sight of Rainbow Dash, who's walking into the shop. It's now 9:20.

"Hey, Dashie!," I say happily, waving.

"Hey, Pinkie," Dash says, waving back, "(Looking down at Scootaloo) Oh hey, Scootaloo."

"Um, uh, h-hi, r-Rainbow d-Dash," Scootaloo stutters, starstruck.

"Is she okay?," Dash asks me, pointing at Scootaloo, and her left, violet eyebrow is arched because she's confused.

"Yeah, she's fine!," I say, laughing, "She's just got a little Rainbow Dash Fever, that's all."

"Oh, right," Dash replies as we both look at Scootaloo's shocked face, "She idolizes me and wants me to be her mentor and big sister."

      Dash smiles one of her usual, genetically-perfect (a phrase we use for Pega-Sapiens like Dash and Fluttershy), dimpled smiles as she looks down at Scootaloo, who's shocked expression is basically frozen. I don't blame Scootaloo, Dash is pretty awesome! She flies fast, she wears cool clothes, and she's even saved lives before! No wonder Scootaloo admires her so much.

"So, Dash, what can I getcha?," I ask Rainbow Dash.

"Can I get a 'me' special milkshake, like Scoots here?," Dash asks.

"Yup!," I say, "That'll be... free!"

      Dash and I smile at each other because we know that, since Dash is, you know, Dash, she doesn't have to pay for the Rainbow Dash Specials. After I'm done preparing her shake and I hand it to her, she walks backwards toward the door as she leaves, holding her shake in her left hand and waving at us with the other.


      Later in the evening, at 5:00pm, I'm totally pooped. More and more people started coming in around noon, making this the busiest day of the week here at Sugar Cube Corner. Applejack walked in at 4:10 with Twilight and Rarity. A.J. just wanted to say "hi", Twi ordered a Small Strawberry Yogurt With Granola Crumbs (yogurt has chunks of real strawberries in it), and Rarity, who's still obsessing over her weight, ordered nothing (she did say "hi", so whatever - it's her choice).


      It's 5:20, and I'm finally home. I run up to my room and shut the door. My feet are killing me (I've been on 'em all freakin' day)! I kick my pink Converse off of my feet and plop onto my pink, candy-printed blanket on my bed. At 6:00pm I sit up really fast and my blue eyes are wide because I'm in shock. I must have dozed off. I get up and change into my pajamas, and then I climb into bed, pull my blanket up to my chin, and go to sleep for the rest of the night. And yeah, I'm dreaming about cuuupcakes (get over it).

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