Ch. 17: My Little... Uniforms?! (Part 4): The Delivery and The Plan

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||Rainbow Dash's POV||

      Wondercolts Social, a Facebook/Twitter-like website for Canterlot High students created by we, the "Main 6" (the most popular girls at Canterlot High), is blowing up. The latest posts (monitored and controlled by me 'cause the site was my idea - that, and it gives me an excuse to not do homework):

@VSPon-3: We have to wear freakin' uniforms. UGH!!! >:( Me, in a uniform?! That's like me actually enjoying classical music! Laughable, right? No offense, @ClassicalTavi (I wuv u, Tavi! X3).

^^Vinyl^^ 9-9-14/4:10pm, via iPad Air

@ColorfulCrystie (My cousin, Crystal Rainbow): Today's Big News: One word, my gemz: UNIFORMS! O_O Crazy, newbie principal changed the rules, now we have to wear uniforms! I wanna scream. screams very loud Bye gemziez!!! X3

~Crystal~ 9-9-14/4:14pm, via iPhone 5

@Soarin'sAngel14 (Me): WTF?! I can't wear the uniform CHS sent me 2day! Think about it: have u ever seen me wear a freakin' skirt?! OMG, I'm gonna be FORCED into a skirt. O_O Also, my poor, pink BFF, @CrayCray4Partiez, is depressed. :'( Plz give her a shout out (preferably w/ the hashtag, #Life'sAPaaartaaay in the shout out somewhere). :) 'Sup @Applejack, @EggheadTwily (I'm kidding, @PrincessTwilyMagic!), @Flutters_Kindness@SparityIsLove (gag... jk ;P), and @CrayCray4Partiez (wuv u, Pinks)? My shout outs r done. :)

=DASH 14= 9-9-14/4:40pm, via iPhone 6 (I'm so damn spoiled, lol)

      @PrincessTwilyMagic (Twilight, of course): Hey, @Soarin'sAngel14 (cute username, btw), can you give my sister a shout out too?^^ And thanks for the shout out. X3 I <3 you!

-Princess Twily- 9-9-14/4:41pm (the current time), via iPhone 6

      I'm debating whether or not to give Twilight's sister, Solar Flair, a shout out; we never got along (I think I may be too wild for her). But, since I absolutely wuv my little egghead, Twily, I give the stupid shout out.

@Soarin'sAngel14: My BFF, @PrincessTwilyMagic, asked me 2 give her twin a shout out, sooo... A shout out goes 2: @ShiningTwilyFlairieWuv!

=DASH 14= 9-9-14/4:43pm, via iPhone 6

      I still can't believe the school expects me, a word-class athlete and a tomboy, to wear a skirt! On top of everything, the skirt is kind of short - for me, that is. I don't know how it fits on other CHS girls, but my mom had me try it on and so, because I'm like, 5'10'', it seemed way to short for my long legs. My mom is calling the school now, trying to see if they can get me a longer skirt. Crap. Maybe I should tell you what happened when I came home from school...


      I flew back to Rainbow Manor, my anger sizzling like bacon. I couldn't be more pissed. First we get seperated by the type of students we are, then we are told we have a freakin' dress code, and now our classes are being changed ( the classes we take are also determined by whether or not we have wings, magic, both, or neither)! I mean, W-T-F to that, right? As I reached my house's front doors, I sighed, and then took my keys out of the front, right pocket of my black skinny jeans. I opened the door and stepped inside, wanting to just run to my room and check on how my BFF's were doing. I knew the crazy new rules were affecting them too (with the exception of a certain egghead). I rushed to my room, slammed the door behind me, and dropped my black backpack, with rainbow-colored skulls on it, onto my carpeted floor. The clock on my nightstand reads: 3:45pm. I flopped onto my bed and pulled my new iPhone 6 from the left pocket of my blue and gold Wondercolts hoodie. I threw the phone on my bed as I walked to my closet. Filled with mostly hoodies, T-shirts, jeans, sweats, and tons of sneakers from every name brand you can think of (but only the cool ones, you know?), my closet was about the size of Canterlot (kidding, lol!). If Rarity saw it, her jaw would probably be on the floor right now. After I pulled my black T-shirt over my head and fixed my disheveled hair, I looked down at my chest. Ugh! Do you know how hard it is to run track with tits that are nearly the size of basketballs? I pulled my jeans off and walked over to my bed. After I flopped back onto it, I checked my phone for any texts. There were a few from my closest friends:

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