Ch. 1: My Little Nuisance

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      Rainbow Dash's blue telephone rings loudly. She stirs in her sleep a little, tries to fall into a deep sleep again, but it's no use: the phone is just too loud. Her tanned hand pushes her blue comforter off her rainbow-y mess of hair, she sits up, and then she checks the Caller ID on the phone. It's ten-freakin'-o-clock pm!, she thinks angrily, her puffy violet eyes squinting at the phone, Pinkie can't seriously be calling me right now! Then again, this is Pinkie we're talking about. After a few seconds of hesitation, she redials Pinkie Pie.

"Helloooo Dashie!," Pinkie Pie says on the other line, "I'm having a... PARTY!"

"You're always having a damn party," Rainbow Dash replies sleepily, her raspy voice bored, "What's so exciting about this one?"

"Becauuuuse, it's a 'We're Goin' Back To High School This Fall!' slumber party!," Pinkie Pie says happily, a giant grin on her peaches 'n' cream-colored face, "I've got the other girls on the phone too!"

"Hey there, Dash," says Applejack.

"Hi!," Twilight Sparkle says into the phone happily while squee-bouncing.

"Hello, Dash," Rarity says in her usual, albeit snobby, tone.

"Hi," says Fluttershy's soft, airy, whisper-like voice.

      In fact, Fluttershy's voice was so soft that Rainbow Dash barely heard her speak.

"So that's what you called me about?," begins Rainbow Dash, "You interrupted my sleep to tell me about a party? Oh, no, wait, I'm sorry. I meant a slumber party?"

"Dash, there's no need to be so rude," begins Twilight Sparkle, "Personally, I love this idea!"

"I do too," Rarity chimes in, "And I think we should take a trip to the mall and buy cute new pajamas!"

"Sounds fantastic!," Twilight Sparkle says with wide eyes and a smile, "Whadoya say, Dash?"

"When did I care about shopping?," Rainbow Dash says, rolling her tired eyes.

"Are you sayin' you don't wanna come to Pinkie's party either?," Applejack asks, her blonde eyebrows in danger of disappearing into her hairline.

      The awkward silence makes Rainbow Dash feel guilty for talking to them so rudely. It made her sound like she hated them! Sighing, she says,

"I'll be at the slumber party."

      The other girls cheer happily and Rainbow Dash smiles, rolling her eyes when Pinkie Pie yells "Whoo!". Then Rainbow Dash's smile fades as she adds,

"But there is no way that Rarity can get me to go shopping for new pajamas. It's a sleepover, not a Gala!"

"We'll see about that," Rarity replies.

      The girls laugh. Pinkie Pie happily jumps up and down, saying,

"It's good to know you girls are coming! The party's on August twenty-seventh, a few days before school starts."

"Is it gonna be at your house?," Applejack asks Pinkie Pie.

"Of course," Pinkie Pie says.

"What time does the party start, Pinkie dear?," asks Rarity.

"Five-o-clock," Pinkie Pie replies, "I want us to have time to pick a movie without bickering. You know how the last sleepover went..."

"Ooh, that wasn't pretty at all," Applejack says, shuddering.

"Well, let's not get into that now," Rarity says calmly, trying to avoid disaster, "I simply cannot wait for the sleepover. I know it'll be divine. Goodnight girls! I must be getting my beauty rest now."

      After the other girls say goodnight, Rarity smiles and hangs up her phone. They start to hang up their phones one-by-one, until only Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are left.

"I agree with Rarity, I can't wait for this party!," Pinkie Pie says happily, squee-bouncing like Twilight Sparkle.

"Me either, Pie," Rainbow Dash replies with a smile, "Goodnight."

"Okay, bye!," Pinkie Pie says loudly, and then she hangs up her bright pink phone.

      Rainbow Dash hangs up her phone and flops onto one of her cloud-shaped pillows, her long, rainbow-streaked hair fanned out around her. She then turns onto her belly, causing her blue comforter to shift. The blanket is no longer covering her bare back, displaying her wing tattoo that represented her wings which - only when she wanted them to - spread out almost 20 feet wide (in proportion with her tall, thin-yet-shapely figure). In a deep sleep and snoring (loudly), she smiled at the fact that she could fly at speeds that would make G 6's look like toys.


Edited: 4-4-15/8:20-21am

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