Ch. 31: My Little Cowboy (An Applejack Chapter W/ Other POV's)

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December 5, 2014/9:57am

Hey, my Rainbows!!! X3

So Dashie'll reveal what Silver Tongue did in THIS chappy (for realz this time). I just needed to figure out how to put that scene in the story. So prepare to read about Dashie albeit nervously telling her friends about a horrible experience. :)

Also: Prepare for my OC, Barn Keeper, who becomes a certain someone's love interest! XD


(12-7-14/10:08am) Good morning! ^^ I just thought that, since I have nothing else to do, I'd work on this chappy for a bit! While enjoying a Rice Krispies Treat... #WeirdA[beep]Breakfast

WARNING: (12-7-14/11:00am) This chappy'll be kinda long, like chapter 21 (that was 10 chappies ago, lol! I've come so far! X3).


Onward! XD


||Applejack's POV: So Annoyed That I'm Ready To KILL Apple Bloom To Relieve My Pain... O_O||

{Wednesday, October 1, 2014/6:45am, Apple Bloom's Bedroom}

      I have never been more annoyed in my life. I got up early to get ready for school, then I walked into Apple Bloom's room to wake her up. The little - what's a nice way to say she's rude? My point: Apple Bloom is refusing to wake up. She kept tellin' me to "go away" and at one point she flipped me off. That sent me over the edge. I lift the bottom of her blanket and grab her skinny little ankles.

"You are not gonna make me late for school!," I say, pulling her out of her bed by her ankles, "Now. Get. Up!"

"You ain't the boss o' me!," Apple Bloom tells me angrily, tryna get outta my grip (good luck with that, Abby; I'm stronger than most men, lol).

"As of right now," I say, still tryna pull her, "I am the boss o' you! I have to take care o' you! I don't know if it's 'cause Babs came to stay with us, but you're actin' different! What in Ponyville is wrong with you, girl?! Get up so that I can get us to school on time!"

"Why would I want to go to school?," Apple Bloom asks me as I nearly pull her off her bed.

      She suddenly smacks the right side of my face with the back of her left hand. She hurries back into bed and buries herself in her blanket. My cheek burns. That's it! I'm gonna kill her! After more tuggin', I finally get the crazy girl outta bed. She angrily walks to the bathroom and slams the door. After she gets out of the bathroom, Big Mac goes in there. Babs, who came to stay with us to be with her cousin, went in the bathroom after Mac. Since I was drivin' Apple Bloom and Babs to school, I grab my red backpack and head out to my truck. I throw my bag inside and hop in. It's a good ten minutes before Apple Bloom angrily opens my truck's passenger door. She throws her pink backpack into the back seat and slams the door shut. Babs climbs into the backseat, pushin' Abby's backpack over.

"What's your problem this mornin'?!," I ask Apple Bloom angrily, startin' the ignition.

"I don't wanna go ta school!," Apple Bloom says, with a scared look on her face, "I get bullied every five seconds!"

      I'm startin' to drive, so I can't really get a good look at her face anymore, but she sounds terrified. I say,

"That don't mean ya gotta take it out on me. People ain't exactly kind to me either, sugar cube."

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