Ch. 18: My Little Revolution (Part 1): Setting Things In Motion

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||Fluttershy's POV (Diary Entry)||

Fluttershy's Diary

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Dear Diary//6:15am,

      Today is the day we have to officially wear our new uniforms to school (#StupidRules, much?). Can't believe it. It's a shame, too: I just bought some cute, teal jeans, that totally match my eyes, last Saturday. I was planning to wear them today, but yesterday's news just threw me off. Why was I planning to wear them today? Well, you see, this is the 1st time I've ever bought colored jeans (I'm experimenting - don't ask). I've seen my BFFs wear them, so I decided to try them. However, my nerves got the better of me when I got home, so I pushed my colored jeans debut to Wednesday. Unfortunately, I'll only get to show them off on Saturday, but at least I get to wear them. :) I'm going back to sleep now, for it's only like, 6:20am! O_O



||Fluttershy's POV (Regular Mode)||

      I wake up again at 7:00am. I swing my long legs over my bed (to my right) and hop out of bed, somewhat excited about the day. The only reason that I'm not completely excited: The "Main 6" are gonna be split up at school today. I'll only have classes with Rainbow Dash because both of us are Pega-Sapiens, Rainbow'll also have classes with Twilight Sparkle because they're both Pega-Sapiens with magic, and Applejack and Pinkie will be without us because they don't have wings or magic! I wanna cry just thinking about it! I walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror. I take down my messy bun and place the pink hair elastic on the sink as my long, baby-pink hair falls over my right shoulder. The small curl at the end of my hair makes me smile. I take a shower, brush my teeth, and put on my uniform. After making sure my tie is straight and tight, I go check to see if my little brother had gotten ready yet. I knock on Onyx's door (I can't believe he changed his name), but he doesn't respond.

"Onyx, you know it's routine for me to check on you," I say softly (as usual), "Open the door, please."

"Gosh, Flutters, it's a wonder that anyone actually hears your tiny voice!," Onyx says to me as he opens the door, fully dressed in his uniform, and smirking.

      It's not that I don't want to smack the smirk off of his face, it's just that it's not in my nature to do so. So I calmly say, smiling,

"Good morning to you too, Onyx."

      Now it's my turn to smirk at his shocked expression. It's the same expression I get from people who don't like it when they do something rude to me, but I just give kindness back to them. I could be more *clears throat* assertive and give them more sass, but I'm not Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie. I'm me. Deal with it (was that sassy enough for you?). I walk back into my room and into my bathroom again. I part my hair, and then, leaving out two, 1-inch bangs on each side of my head, I pull my hair into two, low ponytails with teal hair elastics that each have a sparkly, pink butterfly on them (Pinkie got them for me *squee*).


||Twilight Sparkle's POV: School And... Flairie's Crush?! :O||

      I squeal loudly (in my head, though), excited for the new school day. I don't know why I love school so much, but I do. My sister and I prepare for school (we both adore school), listening to the soft, soothing sound of classic Mozart coming from the living room downstairs. Spike, who's been my adopted brother for like, ever, says on the other side of the bedroom door,

"Ugh, can't I change the music? It's a snore-fest out here."

"No!," I say as I walk to the door and open it slightly, "Neither of us are allowed to touch our parents' living room stereo, not even Shining Armor, who's a grown man. Remember?"

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