Chapter twenty four

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Ogechi's legs were becoming tired, this was the farthest she had ever gone in her life on foot but she had to do it for her friend. Olamide wasn't just going to escape justice.

The night air was chilling but it was nowhere near comforting. She appreciated the comfort of Chike's shirt, at least the cold was not on her list of problems. She wrapped her hands around herself, she wasn't cold but she felt alone. She needed someone to hold her, to comfort her. Chike had done that but right now he was ahead of her, leading them.

"Ouch!" She screamed.

Abu and Chike turned to her immediately.

"What is it? Are you hurt?" Abu asked moving closer to her.

She nodded her head. "My leg, it's stuck."

Abu squinted his eyes to get a good look at what she was talking about. Her leg was stuck in between a tree's roots. "Can you move it?" Abu's worried voice came through.

She tried again, and shook her head. "It's not working. If I force it out I might sprain my ankle."

"Let me find something to help." Chike spoke for the first time.

Her lips stretched out in a grateful smile though she knew he might have not seen it. Chike stood for a while staring at her and Abu before moving in the direction opposite from them to find something that will be of help.

Ogechi watched as Abu knelt in front of her, inspecting the leg worriedly. Amidst her worries and growing pains she noticed Abu looked unusually too concerned and worried about her. They were not friends to begin with. Abu wasn't the type to approach someone of a different caste, even someone of his own caste. She briefly remember his encounter with Iverem on the bus, her heart clenched at the thought of Iverem being dead.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Abu I'm fine."

"Try getting your leg out." He ordered, but the tone had another edge to it, like he was pleading with her.

"I can't. It's stuck."

Abu eyes flitted around, worriedly before it landed back on her leg with him trying to force it out.

"What do you think you're doing?" She pushed him away from her. The searing pain spreading above her leg.

He ran his fingers through his hair, and picked himself up. "I'm trying to help you." He whispered harshly scaring her.

"Let's wait for Chike." She held her hand in front, trying to stop him from coming any closer.

Abu groaned in faustration. If he had full hairs he would have likely pulled it. He was worked up. "Don't you get it? I'm trying to save you."

Ogechi glowered. "Save me from what Abu? My leg is just stuck. Stop trying to be a hero you're not one." She was already at the binge of annoyance. Forcing her leg out would lead to it being injured badly.

Abu was taken aback. He felt insulted. All he was trying to do was help. He stared at her for a while, different emotions running through him. He knew he couldn't be one, his stature made it so. He had his chance, he could just leave her here.

The sound of a crushed twig snapped him out of his thoughts. He heard it again, and it seemed like Ogechi heard it too. It sounded close. This time around he didn't let Ogechi's stretched out hand to stop him. He dived down trying to pull her leg. "Ogechi, you need to pull your leg out!" He whispered frantically.

"Your hurting me." She tried to push him away. "Let's just wait for Chike. He'll find a way to do it."

"It's Chike!" He whispered.

"I know, that's why we have to wait for him."

"No, it's Chike!" He said exasperatedly.

She stopped her struggling. Her brows pulled in confusion. "I don't understand. What's wrong."

"It's Chike." He repeated lowly. "Everything is Chike, he's the one behind everything. I tried to warn you, but no one notice the fat guy in the corner. This is the only time you have to escape."

"Wait, wait, wait. What are you saying? You're too fast. I can't process anything."

"He is going to kill you."

She didn't have time to process Abu's last sentence when she felt something heavy hit her head from behind. She collapsed. With her blurry vision she could make out Chike standing in front of her. He looked menacing.

Chike stared at her for awhile before turning to face frozen Abu. "You shouldn't have done that. I thought we were friends." He face palmed himself and then ran his fingers through his locs.

"I... I don't want to be part of your stupid games." He tried to look confident as he replied.

Chike chuckled darkly. "You're not a hero Abu. I hate betrayals." He moved slowly towards him. Every step he took, Abu took two backwards. "This wasn't part of the plan." He said pulling on his locs.

Abu didn't need anyone to explain to him that he had become part of Chike's list. He knew what that meant. He turned around and took to his heels.

The pounding of feet behind him told him Chike wasn't far from him. Infact he knew Chike was just toying with him. Chike would have caught up with him already. He was sweaty, the cool air did nothing to dry his sweat. He was loosing his breath. He was slowing down. This was the first time he really really wished he had been fit.

Then he felt Chike's hand push him to the floor. He hurriedly tried to stand up but it wasn't possible, so he tried to scurry away on the floor.

"It wasn't part of the plan. It wasn't part of it." He groaned and charged towards Abu punching him with all his power.

With every punch, Abu felt severe pain spread throughout his face. He struggled, trying to fight back, but his measly punch did nothing to Chike instead it weakened him the more. Abu's mind flashed back to his baby sister, he knew he was going to die and nothing hurt him more than the thought of not seeing her all grown up.

He wheezed in between the punches. His vision was starting to close up. He could feel his eyes heavy, like a brick was placed on it. A broken nose should be one of the art works on his face.

He spat out blood.

How many times was it that his mother warned him about Chike. At first it was the problem of his hair, it was just not the right hair for a student then she had that dream about Chike and warned him about moving with him. ' he'd be your downfall.' He felt like chuckling but the pain was thoroughly against it. Chike wouldn't just be his downfall, Chike would make sure he doesn't see the breaking dawn.

Chike stretched his hand picking up a stone from above Abu's head whacked his face. Watching as Abu spluttered blood and how effective it was he then switched to it.

With every hit, Abu felt consciousness slipping out of him, he only hoped someone would find Ogechi, that someone would rescue her and Chike would get what he deserves.

                         What do you guys think of Abu?

I know I said this was the final chapter😂 I'm really sorry. I needed to explain somethings but this time around only two chapters left. I've written one and I'm writing the grand finale😁 after two years.

I'm so excited. Finally I can show you guys what I've been working on for sometime now.

Drum roll 😁😁😁....
It's a historical romance (a Nigerian historical romance).
I will show you the book cover and blurb after the last chapter of this book.

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