Chapter four

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Picture of Ezekiel above

I will make you fishers of men
Fishers of men
Fishers of men
I will make you fishers of men
If you follow me

If you follow me
If you follow me eeeee

I will make you fishers of men
Fishers of men
Fishers of men
I will make you fishers of men
If you follow me

Ogechi let out a frustrated groan as Miss Kashimana, their art class teacher, started singing a song that she felt was more suitable for junior secondary students. It seemed like a recurring occurrence, where some of the students would join in singing along, but the majority simply continued with their own tasks, not bothering to participate. Ogechi couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance and wondered why the teacher didn't seem to understand the preferences and maturity levels of the senior students.

"Your dad is sick and he doesn't have much time left"

Ogechi squeezed her eyes shut and inhaled deeply. She drowned the song and the noise her classmates made inside the bus as she wondered why now, why did they decide to return? Is she supposed to feel sorry for him? She rubbed the base of her neck again, unconsciously as she tried to figure out her parents.

For years she tried not to feel their absence because she knew what it would do to her, it had happen before and the scar on her back was a proof. She didn't want to think about them, she didn't want to care but sitting in the bus staring outside the window as houses, grasslands and cars flashed by, she had no option.

The person next to her tapped her "I have dusting powder" he grunted out due to their school bus hitting a bump or entering a pothole.

Ogechi felt a startle of surprise when she realized Chike was now sitting beside her. She had been so absorbed in her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed when Temi had vacated the seat. As Chike's words registered in her mind, she furrowed her brows, forming a scowl as she processed his statement.

He gestured to the her neck "you've been rubbing your neck since we boarded the bus"

"Oh!" she muttered as her gaze shifted to the floor, finding her shoe more interesting. That was one of her bad habits, rubbing of her neck when she's confused.

He chuckled and crossed his arms on his chest. "I was just joking"

"Oh" she let out an awkward laugh.

"I'm Chike, new student" he said stretching his hand for a handshake.

"Ogechi" she shook his hand and noticed as his rough hands held hers for a bit longer. She couldn't help the back flip her heart did.

"I know that" he smiled startling her.

"How?" She found herself about to rub her neck but she caught it on time and Chike didn't miss it, he smiled " I wasn't going to rub my neck" she defended

"I didn't say anything" his eyes held mirth.

She scowled. " You don't have to say it to actually say it"

He chuckled lightly and it was laced with a hum of amusement. "I know and to clear your confusion, you're kinda popular, most of the guys talk about you..."

She shook her head " why would they? There's nothing special about me"

He snickered.


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