Chapter nine

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No one heard it at first.

Then it pierced through the joyous chats of the upcoming village festival, putting everyone in silence. The scream came again, this time louder than before more desperate and terrified. The scream was the kind that put everyone on hold and gives everyone a promising agony.

Mezie was the first to initiate the run and then everyone moved towards the scream. The blood drained from his face as he stared at the still body. This can't be happening. He shook his head as he moved towards the body. This can't be her, it can't be Iverem. But he knew she was the one, every other person was present outside, he saw her going into her room. He knelt down close to the body and pulled it to him with shaky hands, once the first tear broke free; he didn't care about the blood staining him, he didn't care about the foam by the side of her mouth, he didn't care about the people standing behind him, he didn't care about anything. He began to cry out loud, his body vibrating as he pulled her closer to him pushing her box braidings aside to see her face.

He regretted his decision.

Atinuke stood at the far end of the room hiccupping, she was the one who found the body.

Watching the scene was too painful but Ogechi knew she had to stay. Iverem was a good friend, she had to do it for her. She watched as Mezie cried for Iverem, she never knew Mezie cared for someone other than his friends. She watched as Mezie kept on whispering words to the body.... A tear slipped from her eyes as she remembered being the last person to see her alive, she blamed herself for telling her to go inside and rest; if she hadn't then probably she'd still be alive.

Mr Festus stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on Mezie's shoulder. " We have to alert the igwe and his people"

"Are you insane?! We are supposed to call her parents and let them know their child is dead" Ezekiel spat, glaring at Mr Festus with all hatred he could summon.

"It's not possible, our batteries has been dead since last night and even if we do charge our phone there's no network to make a call" Zubby reasoned.

"We can't stay here with a dead body" Uredo said wiping her tears.

"Then what do you think we should do with the body?" Ehiosu stepped forward.

"We can't stay with a body in this hou..." Ogechi was cut off by an angry and grieving Mezie.

"Would you all just quit saying body! She has a name"

"Had" Itoro corrected as the English expert " she's dead so she's in the past now. We have to refer to her as a body"

Angry, disgusted, disappointed and surprised looks were thrown his way.

"What?!" He raised his hands up

"How insensitive can you be Itoro" Gloria glared at him. She wasn't just referring to the present, she was also referring to what happened earlier.

Fuming, he spoke"I was just saying..."

"No one needs your contribution" Moses cut him off.

He glared at everyone and then walked out of the room in anger.

When Miss Kashimana had recovered from her shock, she and Mr Festus had gone to report the case to the igwe. The igwe sent some of his servants to take the body to the mortuary at the outskirts of the village and told them the body can be kept there till her parents come to claim it.

The house had been unusually quiet after the body had been taken out and the room had been cleaned up. The occupants of the room stared at it like it was contaminated.

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